Bonus 2 | The Big Day

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Hi people! How are you all doing?
I'm sorry for having taken time to upload this, it was just a really difficult chapter to write. But one that when I finally managed to write, made me smile so so much. I just hope it makes you guys smile as much.

The song for this chapter is "A face to call home" by John Mayer.

So people, it's nearing 5am where I am, so I am NOT EDITING THIS BEFORE UPLOADING. I just really want to give you guys this chapter already, you guys deserve it. So please bare with me with the mistakes, and enjoy!!!

Shout out to Victoria_Paz who made the edit up there for me, since I wanted to upload this already and I had the pictures, but still had to do the edit, and she helped me out :) thank youuu

And also people, the next chapter will be a LONG chapter, because if I dont change my mind halfway through, it will be a full out book in itself. Ok not book, but short story certainly. So it will take quite some time. While you wait, if you haven't already you could check out my new fanfic: "Misplaced", which is a Shawn Mendes fanfic in Hogwarts. First two chapters are uploaded already, hope you enjoy! I'm so excited to write this story 😊


WARNING ⚠️: I changed the order of the bonus chapters, so that they are in chronological order! They were previously in the order I published them. So check the list below to make sure that you didn't miss any with the rearranging:
Bonus 1- Plans for the big day
Bonus 2-The Big Day
Bonus 3- What the actual Fu- (Violet's POV)
Bonus 4- Finding out the truth
Bonus 5- Family quality time
Bonus 6- Next Generation One Shots
Sadie's POV:
In the dark, all I could hear was the sound of Shawn's rhythmic breathing. I tried to focus on it, my head raising and lowering as he breathed in and out, and I tried to drift off to sleep with the movement. But it wasn't working. Anxiety, excitement and anticipation for the day that was right by the door buzzed all over me, keeping me wide awake.

"You can't fall asleep either, can you?" I hear his voice sound through the dark, his voice making his body under my ear vibrate. I nearly jumped slightly; his voice took me by surprise. I thought that he had fallen asleep long ago.

"Nope." I admit. I take a deep breath, both of us remaining silent after I answered him.

"I'm nervous," I admit out of the blue, and turn to look at him. Through the dark, I could make out his eyes, which twinkled with the faraway lights of the bathroom.

I could see his eyes widening in worry, his eyebrows scrunching up the slightest bit. "Why?" He asks.

"I'm just scared that something goes wrong, I don't know, like what if everything isn't on its place or some sort of decoration didn't stay good, it would ruin the whole day-"

I come to a halt with my rambling, as I manage to make out a small smile appear on his lips. "What?"

"Roles switched." He says, his voice failing a bit, drowsy in sleepiness. "On our first date, I was the one too worried about making everything perfect, and now for our wedding you are the one being like that. So I'm going to use similar words to the ones you used that day: everything will be perfect, as long as you're the woman that I will be exchanging vows with at that altar tomorrow."

Treat You Better - A Shawn Mendes Fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now