Make A Wish

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Hi everyone! I'm back with another chapter :)

The question for this chapter: what places would you like to travel to and visit? I would love to go to Italy and Greece, though I also woudl love to go to visit Canada, specially in Autumn so I could see the leaves, or Winter so I could see the snow.

I'm so sorry for everyone that I made suffer because of the climax I left the last chapter on, many people came to ask me to tell them and I just confused them more 😂 sorry about that, but I can't help myself.

Hope you enjoy this chapter, and get the answer you wished for!
Sadie's POV:
I slowly turned at the sound of his voice, too much in shock. What was he doing here?

My eyes met his, and at that same instant, a memory flooded my mind. I wasn't being able to understand how this whole thing was so freaking faithful to the dream party that I had inside my mind, but now it all clicked. I had actually told him.

We were at Aria's party, and just after dancing for a bit, Shawn and I sat down on a lounging area outside so we could drink a bit of water. As we went to a brighter area, I could see how Shawn's face was rosy with all the dancing, some beads of sweat trailing along his forehead. The butterflies in my stomach fluttered a little at how attractive he managed to look, but I quickly composed myself.

Shawn looked at me and gave me this dazzling, huge smile, and I gave him one back, feeling tired from dancing but happy. After some minutes of silence as both of us downed all the water in our cups, Shawn broke the silence.

"Hey Sadie, how would you have done your party if you had wanted one?" He asked me, and I shrugged.

"I don't think I would even consider doing one to the point I actually thought about that. Why the question?"

Now it was his turn to shrug. "I don't know... It's just that I know that you don't enjoy parties, but I have a feeling you would go crazy with choosing a theme and the stuff in the party."

I stopped to take in his words, and at the same time, I took in the whole setting of the party. Actually now that he had said it, I felt it was true.

"Yeah, maybe." I say. I observe the long table which was adorned with all sorts of sweets, all carefully decorated.

"What would you do? A Frozen themed party?" Shawn laughed, and I did laughed along. He knew me so well.

"That would actually be cool. Everything in blue, white and silver, inspired on ice and how the inside's of Elsa's castle would look like. And there would be lots and lots of fake snow." I looked around the facility, and could imagine all of it in front of my eyes. As much as the mental image was incredibly pleasing, it flickered before my eyes, as the best idea came up to my mind.

"A Harry Potter themed party..." I said lowly as the ideas came at me like a hurricane, and Shawn looked at me, waiting for me to explain more.

"There could still be snow with this theme, like at the entrance or something, as if it was Hogsmeade. Oooh, and the lounging areas would be all inspired on each different house, and would be decorated with each house's respective colours. Inside would be like Hogwarts, many frames hanging on the walls, especially of the headmasters, and antique looking chandeliers."

Shawn smiled at me, both intrigued by the idea and by how much my imagination was running wild. "That would be so cool. I would certainly love to go to a party like that."

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