Weren't Months Enough Already

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Hi people!
A brand new chapter to cheer up those who are back to school/ will go back this week!

So I already have a project and two tests for next week, so I don't know if this week I will be able to update this again if I don't post anything today, tomorrow or on Thursday, when I will have much more free time.

And I can't believe I reached 4K... Thank you guys! This is so incredible! And it is all thanks to you. 😊

I hope you are liking this story! Loads is yet to come! 😏

Sadie's POV:
"I can't believe you did this." I say as soon as he picks up, pacing around my room. I still couldn't believe this. So many emotions were going through me: happiness because I was going to see him again, surprise that my parents went with it, and majorly, fear. Fear that his family won't like me.

"Hi sweetie, I'm good, thanks for asking! And you?"

"Shawn, my mum has told me already." I say and sigh, furstrated with my loss of words. "This is so... god, I don't know what to say."

"What about "SHAWN I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU" or "YOU ARE THE BEST BOYFRIEND EVER"? I think those two would fit well." He teases, and I roll my eyes, even though he can't see me.

"I have to say that I agree with you. They fit well, because it is true!" I laugh, and continue,"And I can't believe that I am going to spend Christmas in a place that actually has snow!"

"I just want Monday to come so I can see you already...And I will be able to take you around Pickering, and you will meet my parents and my friends... Isn't that so awesome?"

My heart stops at the mention of his family and friends, and I don't say anything in response. After some moments of silence, Shawn speaks up again. "Sadie?"

"What... What if they don't like me?" I blurt out, and I knew fear was obvious in my voice.

"Princess," he starts, his tone gentle and comforting,"you have nothing to be afraid of. They will love you, I am sure of it. And why wouldn't they like someone like you?"

Because maybe I don't deserve someone like you, and they see that you could have someone so much better than me.

"Right." I say, trying to convince myself that things would be alright. "I have nothing to be afraid of."


I open my eyes, but I immediately close them, the light being so bright that it hurts to open my eyes. I take some time to process what is happening and where the heck I am, but when I do, I feel my stomach tying into a tight, persistent knot.

I am inside a plane, the small oval windows now wide open, letting the bright morning rays light up the whole aeroplane cabin. I rub my eyes as I shift on my seat, and grunt as I feel my body aching due to the many hours sitting on this chair. I hear the sound of glasses clinking against each other, and looking down the corridor, I see the woman pushing the trolley with the breakfast. This meant that we were arriving soon.

My mum still sleeps soundly beside me, and my dad who sits some few seats away is already awake. I turn to my right to the window next to me, and look out of it, admiring the beautiful shades the sky has during these early hours of the morning.

Treat You Better - A Shawn Mendes Fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now