You Don't Like Christmas?

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Hello people!
How has been going back to school? Everyone still standing?I already had a test today, argh.

So from now on, there will be many time jumps. Now it is a small one, but after some things happen, there will be anither one, and then another one, and little by little the time jumps will be bigger.

Just to warn you that this is not edited, as I wanted to post this before one of my readers fell asleep, as it is quite late for her.

I decided to put the picture of Shawn's tattoo for those who don't know how it is (I doubt that you don't but there are some people who aren't really Shawn's fans who are reading this story so I thought this would help).

I hope you enjoy!
Sadie's POV:
No matter how many times I read it, I couldn't process it. My mind right now was just as blank as the lines that I was supposed to write on. I clutch the sides of my head, as I take a deep breath and look at the clock, which tells me that I have more 40 minutes to finish this.

My head seemed like it was about to explode, the deafening silence in the room multiplying everything I was feeling by a thousand. I close my eyes and continued to try to regulate my breathing. I felt like these walls were closing up on me little by little, and I was trapped. I had to get out of here. But I couldn't.

I looked again back down at the paper, and I felt lost. Was this the Physics exam? Or the Maths one? Maybe History?

Sadie, you are going crazy. You can do this. This is your last exam, before you only have the Art and Music exams left, and you're done.

Always remember...Things will get better, I promise.

I repeat that to myself, and calming down, I take my hands from the sides of my head, and I read the question again.Ok, I know this... I start going through a song in my head until I reach the part I was looking for, and getting the answer, I write it down, smiling a little to myself as I got the hang of it. I felt the familiar rush that always goes through me when I am finding a pace on doing a test, making my mind work faster. I could do this. Just this exam, and everything would be over.


It was such a pleasant day, the sun shining brightly, the cloudless sky pale blue, and I just wanted to get a book and read outside. But I had to finish the preparation for my Art exam, plus practice my presentation.

I stepped inside the house, the cold air of the strong air conditioning hitting me hard. I went straight to my room, where I dropped my backpack on the floor next to my bed, and I immediately changed my clothes. Setting up my working area on the floor, I had newspaper under my piece of work, a cup filled with water next to it and some brushes waiting to be used. My computer was positioned on the opposite side to the water cup, where I opened Spotify and pressed the shuffle button.

My heart gave a little skip when "Treat You Better" started playing right away, and I smiled. I am so proud of Shawn. Just like the rest of his album which came out a about a month ago, "Treat You Better" is a major hit, and his music is so big right now. And he even performed in Madison Square Garden, which he sold out in a blink. I feel a slight pang as I remember that if it weren't for the end of year exams, I could have been there to share such a special moment with him.

"I know I can treat you beeeetteeer, than he can. And any girl like you deeesseerves a gentleman." I sing, as I dip my brush in the cup of water, and then dip it in black paint. With it, I continue the guitar that was already half painted, the A3 poster divided in four equal squares which each had a different variation of the tattoo.

Treat You Better - A Shawn Mendes Fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now