Trips to the Mall

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Heeeeyy :) how are you people? Hope you are well.

So today's question will be for the Harry Potter lovers! Which house are you in, and what is your patronus? I am in Hufflepuff (according to pottermore) and my patronus is a Dolphin/Nightjar (I did twice.

Oh, and the image above is one I found on pinterest, and is for Sadie's outfit later this chapter, without the flower crown though.

Hope you enjoy this :)
Sadie's POV:
"Really, he is so. Freaking. Annoying!" Violet shrieks in her usual frustrated tone, which gets more high pitched and louder the more frustrated she gets. And right now she was so much, that people passing by turned their heads to look at us as we walked through the mall. "I broke up with him, and he doesn't stop bugging me to get back with me, saying that he loves me. Sebastian started saying this the second after I said yes to him, can you believe it?"

She sighed in frustration. "Why did I start with him in the first place? Now that I think of it, I don't think that I ever really liked him. And the problem is that he keeps trying to talk to me, saying that he wants to be my friend and is concerned, that he loves me and always will, but honestly I can't handle him anymore. He even blamed my parents for pressuring me into breaking up with him." She shook her head. "I broke up with him because I wanted to, now he needs to move on with life!"

"Vi, are you sure you made it clear enough that you want absolutely nothing to do with him?" Ella asks. "Because in your texts you are like, "whatever""

"Exactly, because I really am like that! The sad and cruel truth is that I couldn't care less if I still am his friend or not, and geez he doesn't stop texting me," she turned to Ella, and her eyes wide with exasperation. "He fucking sent me a poem in latin!"

"Violet, just block him. All the things he did and the texts he sent you? He thinks it is romantic, but now it is getting quite creepy." I suggest.

"Yeah, why haven't you done that still?" Ella enquires. Bailey's expression gave her the same question.

"You know what? You are right." She takes out her phone, and after doing some stuff, she puts it back in her purse. "Done. I just blocked him."

After some moments of celebrative silence, Ella starts speaking again, "You know what we need to do?" She turns to face Bailey, "Find a crush for you, Bailey."

She snorts, "For me? No thank you." She turns around, and starts walking backwards, so she could face us as she spoke. "Why do I need one? Just seeing you girls suffering makes me not want it. Ella was stupid and now she has to face the fact that Sean has a girlfriend; Violet is, well, was being stalked by this crazy creepy kid who is convinced that he loves her; and Sadie, um, she has Shawn, but I see how she suffers with the fact that they can rarely be together because he is thousands of miles away. Besides, no boy meets my standards."

"Well, that's because you are too picky!" Ella argues.

"I am picky and I don't care. My standards are high, and one of them includes being Leonardo DiCaprio or looking like him. If the boy meets this particular standard, then they earned a billion points with me already. And as I haven't met any boy like that, then I am better off without anyone. I say: no boyfriend, no proble-"

Bailey suddenly walks into someone hard, making both of them yell out in pain as they bump into each other. She turns around ready scold the person she bumped with just like she does in school, only to see the boy that she bumped with. With this her eyes widen, her jaw dropping as she gaped at him.

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