Calls at Midnight

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Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, or whatever holiday you celebrate.  I decided to give you guys a gift: a new chapter, and quite a long one!

I would like to give credits to NeverLand1506 , as I have had this idea for this chapter for so long, and she helped me develop this idea, especially duringour Science lessons 😂😂😂 thank you for helping me out! I hope this makes people laugh as much as we did imagining this scene.

Hope you like this! Enjoy :)
Sadie's POV:
I heard him sigh in relief on the other side as I told him that everything was fine between us.

"God, Sadie... You can't believe how scared I was. I really thought that this, something I didn't even do, would ruin everything. I'm so happy that it didn't."

"Of course it didn't. At first I felt terrible when I saw it, but then I remembered who you are."

"And who am I?" He asks.

"You are the person I would trust my life with if I ever had to trust someone with it." I smile, even if he couldn't see me. "I told you that I trusted you back on that day that you left. And I'm sorry again that I took so long to tell you, I just sometimes get overwhelmed with things and I was with the internet today. So I had to take a break."

"Of course, I understand. It can be quite overwhelming." He stops a little, and we stay in silence. "Thank you Sadie, for believing me. I love you, I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't."

"I love you too. And well, you won't have to know either. Because I do believe. Now, this matter being over,-"

"Are you absolutely sure, princess? Please tell me if you're not."

"Geez Shawn, you are really asking for me to start singing to 'Let it Go' aren't you?"

"Well, I wouldn't mind. I love to hear you sing."

I sigh, rolling my eyes.

"Anyways, guess what I am doing?"

"Well generally you are doing homework, playing on the guitar or on the piano, or reading a book."

I laugh at this. He knows me well.

"That was a very good shot, but no. When I am not doing any of those, what am I doing?"

He pauses for a bit, thinking. Then he remembers. "Eating, probably ice cream."

"Ding ding ding! We have a Jackpot!" I say, bringing the spoon up to my mouth. "Mhm, this tastes like heaven." I let out after I swallow.

The sound of Shawn's laugh rings in my ears, and I couldn't be happier that everything was well between us. "Oh god, you're obsessed."

"I am! Actually, this was a birthday present from Ben amd Jerry's. I went there on my birthday and the employee gave me a pot of Triple Caramel Chunk! Isn't that like, the best present ever?"

"I thought it was a certain party your boyfriend made for you, followed by the fact that he visited you." He grumbles.

"Oh yeah, that too." I laugh, but with this silence I could imagine Shawn pouting, a sad frown on his face. "Oh come on Shawn I was kidding! I loved the fact that you came, and the party too! You know that."

"Right." He huffs.

"What can I do to convince you otherwise?"

"Um you could kiss me?" He says enthusiastically, but then there's silence. My stomach drops as the distance between us hits me hard. "Sorry, forget it. I sometimes forget that we are thousands of kilometers apart..."

Treat You Better - A Shawn Mendes Fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now