Stay with Me

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I'm sorry for taking quite some time updating this story, this weak was really hard on me in terms of tests, so I didn't manage it. I know the deal was saturday midnight for me, but it took me some time to write it and I was really exhausted. So here it is ober two hours late... please forgive me!

This chapter has two songs: the main one is of course "Hold On" by our dear Shawn Peter Raul Mendes, and another one which I find really relevant is "Shadows" by Sabrina Carpenter.

I hope you like this chapter :) things are changing a lot for both Shawn and Sadie in the story.

Sadie's POV:

Today I got home at night with a smile on my face. I was tired from the long day, and I had many things on my mind (Shawn being in between these thoughts), but I was happy. I had just gotten home after going bowling with my parents, and then having a family dinner. It was so weird that this was happening, as generally as people grow up, the less close they get to their parents. But now I feel like I'm closer to them more than ever.

Even though now it's incredible how they are much more there for me, I think they also realized that I only had about a year and a half before graduating and going to university. I think this made them even more determined to spend with me the time that they lost.

I collapsed on my bed that night and switched out like a light once I hit the bed, but that was only until two in the morning.

I sit up on my bed with a halt, and my mind goes completely fuzzy at this sudden jump. My head is completely empty of thoughts the first 20 seconds, until suddenly I notice how "Galway Girl" is blasting somewhere here in my room. I sleepily follow the sound, until my semi open eyes land on my phone shining in the dark.

That's when I realize that my phone is ringing.

I lean forwards and get a grasp on my phone, even though I still wasn't thinking properly. My eyes didn't want to remain fully open, sleepiness weighing my eyelids down, but that was only until I finally read the name and saw the picture that was flashing across the screen.

I quickly accept the call and put it to my ear, and I pay close attention to what he was about to say. If it was him at all for that matter. I could only come up with the worst possible scenarios: did he drink again and was now calling me drunk? Did he go back to snapchatting and driving and something happened and this was actually someone else informing me of something that happened to him? What if he had been drunk and driving? All these thoughts made my blood run cold.

I picked it up and no one said anything, the only sound being of a what sounded like a distant muffled beehive.

Wait, was that a crowd?

"Shawn?" I ask reluctantly, feeling scared of what this was about.

"S-Sadie." He stutters. His voice was shaky, his slight stutter telling me that he wasn't well. "I can't do this."

"You can't do what?" I ask, incredibly confused and worried.

"I can't do it. What if I mess up?"

This is when I piece things together. The crowd roaring in the background, the fear of messing up: he was on one of his shows. And either he was about to start a concert and he was talking to me, or he left right in the middle, like in those videos. I deduced it was the latter due to the panicked tone I could detect in the audience's conversations.

Treat You Better - A Shawn Mendes Fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now