Perfectly Imperfect

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Hello people!

How have you been? I've been happy because I'm traveling but beaten up with the fact that it seems like the universe really doesn't want me to meet Shawn. Like I'm in the same CITY as him. And for you to see: this one day I spent loads of time at a Target, and after I left it what I see? This:

 And for you to see: this one day I spent loads of time at a Target, and after I left it what I see? This:

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I know there are so many Targets out there, but this was the closest I got to meeting him. I had been so hopeful that day, wishing I'd meet him in the streets, but I spent the whole time convincing myself that if I was going to meet him, it wouldn't be at a Target. And then I saw this...

And without mentioning I could have met Matt Espinosa. We were in the same freaking BUILDING at the same time. If only I had internet and knew...

Sorry guys for the rant. It's just I'm loosing the hope. I know my parents promised me the VIP tickets but with the luck I have, they will probably start to sell and get sold out all while I'm on a plane or something. But I do wish you all meet him if you haven't already. Just because I don't, it doesn't mean I don't wish you that. You guys all deserve to meet him! I believe that all the fans do meet him, or at least watch him live. If I could help people out with that, I would.

Ok so I'm done, I'm sorry about that, lets get to what you guys really care about, which is this story. I know, these chapters have been... deep I would say? But I don't think what I write is deep 😂😂 but anyways, I promise things will start to change in a few. But these chapters are so important for the story, for Sadie's development and also for the messages I want to pass with this story.

Hope you enjoy this!
Sadie's POV:
On my way to Jason's house, I hummed to the song I had just made up before leaving, and couldn't help but realize how better I felt after I had written it. It helped me realize that I can actually make it without him, something that I am sure many people who may be passing through the same situation would realize too if she or he at least heard the song.

There could be so many people out there who just had gone through a break up, and still were hurting as much as I did before.

I know how much a song can impact someone's life. How a single song can rescue you, can make you feel understood. Shawn did that to me with his music. What if people who were passing through the same I was going through heard my song? Would it help them?

Well, I will never know. My song probably is horrible and people will hate me even more than they already do.

This thought was on my mind until the moment I got to his house, but afterwards, it was gone, as my mind was focused on solely one thing. And that was on winning.

Treat You Better - A Shawn Mendes Fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now