Bad Night's Sleep

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Hello readers!

I am SO HAPPYYY! And why?


You can't imagine how I squealed when I heard the news hahahahaha

So I can't believe that this story is nearly hitting 20K! Like I just hit 10K so little long ago! Thank you guys so so much! I love it when I see that you seem to be enjoying this story as much as I enjoy writing it!

New chapter is coming soon, and I may say that maybe it will be the next update for a while, as exams are coming in like a wrecking ball. I feel so down just by thinking of them.

So I hope you enjoy!



Shawn's POV:

"I'll be right back." Larissa says smiling at me, as she stands up and goes to the bathroom. Sadie had gone away not more than 10 minutes ago, and I was really worried. I should have gone with her. What was I thinking?

"Shawn, are you and Sadie well? Like in good terms?" Ian asks me, and turning to him, I squint my eyes, not getting the reason behind this stupid question.

"Yes, of course we are." I answer. "Why the question?"

"Just... I don't know. It's just that you barely directed a word at her for the whole time that she was here. And I don't think that whatever she had was because of a snack she had earlier."

His words come at me hard, as if someone had just shaken me awake. I did do that. I practically ignored her. I was too focused speaking too Larissa, and probably she got pissed and went away. I maybe would have too if I was her.

Again, what was I thinking?

I then remember of the fact that Sadie hasn't been well lately. I mean, she was, but sometimes it was like the bright sparkle that are usually in her eyes would extinguish, completely making her doze off in her thoughts. She was really worried about something; something was bothering her; and I wasn't there for her.

I sigh as I bring my face to my hand, tugging my hair with my fingers in exasperation. "She has been like this recently. I don't know what it is." I explain to Ian. I start to make an excavation in my mind for something that may be the reason behind all of this, but I just can't find anything logical.

"Shawn, if you want to go after her, just go, really. She needs you. I think you actually should go. We'll meet another day." Brian says, and looking up at him, I see a genuine expression on his face. He wouldn't get mad.

"You're right, I should go." I say, standing up from the couch. "Thank you for understanding." I say, as I give a one arm hug to each of them, not knowing exactly when I would see them again. Larissa was still in the restroom, I would just text her later, because right now I had to go. I get my coat, and putting it on, I walk back to my house.

As soon as I arrive, I find my mum in the kitchen, and I go up to her. "Hey mum, did Sadie get home?" I ask, wanting to know something that had been weighing with guilt on me.

"Yes she did." She answers. "Not thanks to you."

"I know, I know, I don't know what I was thinking. I need to talk to her." I say just before I leave the kitchen and start my way upstairs, hurrying to Aaliyah's room.

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