He's Too Much For Her

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Hi people!
A brand new chapter for you is right here! I hope you like it.

The image above is of Sadie's and Shawn's outfit for the party. I know there wasn't Shawn's POV this chapter, but I promise you that the next one there will.

Enjoy! :)
Sadie's POV:

"Mum, I'm sure it's enough already."


"No! I think it's too much! Just let me go like this." I say, and my mum sighs, surrendering.


I look at my reflection in the mirror, taking in the final outfit. I had on a dark blue short dress, which was tight on my body except for the skirt, which fluttered outwards. I always loved these kind of dresses. They are cute, and are short but not that much, in a way I am still comfortable with and don't feel too exposed. It had a slight shimmer to it, but not too flashy, which I liked.

My hair had been curled and arranged into a half-up, half-down, credits to my mum, and I had on a silver necklace, the key necklace that Shawn gave me tucked underneath my clothes. I never took it off. I had a small purse, which was just the right size to carry my phone,my ID and two invitations in it.

Even though my mum had wanted to put more makeup on me, I did not let her. I liked to keep things natural, so I had stopped her after she had applied foundation, a light blush, a neutral eye shadow and a nude lipstick on me. I had also put on some eyeliner myself, as I had an unusual talent for applying winged eyeliner. My mum and my friends told me it was a gift, that if they had this talent they would do it everyday, but I saw nothing difficult in it. It felt just like painting on a canvas with black paint, using a very thin brush. Except the canvas was my eyelids.

Now, the part that even though looked nice with everything, I hated the most: the simple, black heels. I hate heels! Seriously, who thought "Let me put some sticks on shoes and see if people like them"? Because I seriously have a grudge against that person.

I had been forced to wear them. It is not exactly strictly part of the formal dress code, but everyone says it is an universal rule to wear them, at least until they start giving out flip-flops.

"You look so beautiful and grown-up. Oh my." My mum says, as she puts her hands on my shoulders and observes my reflection. With heels, I loomed over her, as my mum wasn't so tall, and she wasn't wearing her usual heels.
"We have to take a picture." My mum says determinedly, as she marches off my room before I can object.

"Oh, hi Shawn, you're here already! Go in, Sadie is inside." She says as she leaves my room, and after a few seconds, Shawn enters.

"Hey prince-" he says as he walks in, but stops once he sees me. He is wearing a traditional tux; black suit and pants, black tie, white shirt. God, he looked hot.

"I knew that this was too much makeup!" I say walking closer to the mirror, trying to rub things off.

"No! I mean, leave it like that. You look beautiful." He says. My heart flips over, but I try to control my uneasiness.

"Thanks, you look nice yourself." I say politely, and we smile. I always felt weird hearing those words, but what could I do to not feel that way?

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