Climbing Out The Window

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Hello my people, I'M BACK!!! AND I AM SO HAPPY!

I missed writing so much, and in the last weeks I have been doing nothing but studying, and if I wasn't, I was doing something while being guilty that I wasn't studying. I honestly couldn't breathe properly without feeling guilty for not being studying.

But now the exams are over, and even though they really destroyed me, my results were very satisfying (at least the ones I got back, because I stopped going to school today), and now I am only going to school for two more days for activities and then summer holidays here I come! Which also means various updates too! Yayy!

I may or may not have forgotten slightly how I had planned this scene to go, but I managed to write it. So here it is! I hope you enjoy it :)

But now I just wanted to give a quick shout out to a friend how I love a lot, but can seriously get on my nerves. And how is she doing this?

By reading my story and saying to freaking EVERYONE that I write an "erotic Shawn Mendes fanfic". Like come oooon! I know you're kidding, but it is NOT cool when you say so to my fudging TEACHERS. You should see their expressions... This story is NOT erotic in any way! And it won't be. So I'm using this go clarify this early on something that you maybe wondered: there won't be any sort of smut in this story.

And this is for various reasons. Not only would it make me so uncomfortable, but... Well, that's really basically it. It wouldn't be realistic, and just plain weird for me.

Ok, I'll stop rambling. Hope you enjoy this! As always, I wrote this really late at night (Idk why but my writing flows more at this time?!), so please excuse mistakes, tomorrow it will be all about me making this chapter and the few last chapters clean.

Enjoy! :)
Shawn's POV:
I don't know what urged me to send her a text in the middle of the night, but when she answered, I didn't regret it. As Sadie told me that she was coming, I turn the lamp on my bedside table on, just to see the mess that my room was in. I quickly jump out of my bed and start picking up stuff and tyding my room up, not wanting Sadie to come to my room when it was in such a state.

I hear a thud, and I look up, thinking that it was Sadie walking into my room. However, the person that was standing right there wasn't the person who I thought would be there.

The light in the room was dim, so at first I couldn't figure out who it was. I just knew it wasn't her- Sadie was taller. But when I figured out who it was, I just couldn't connect the pieces behind the reasob why she was here.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask Larissa.

"I- I thought you wanted me here."

I frown, not getting why would I want her here. I mean, she's my friend, but still. Many questions pass through my mind, and the first obvious one is the one I ask.

"How did you get in here?" As she shot me a look that said,"Really?", I looked at the partially open window, and it all made sense. Of course. I didn't know how to react, because in her eyes, it was completely ok. She had done this since always, and I had done the same.

"Um, look Lari, I know that you have always done this, but I don't think it is very... Appropriate for you to do that now that I am dating, you know what I mean?" Not very at ease to explain this, feeling that she would get mad, I scratch the back of my head.

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