Chapter 4: Birthday Bash Pt. 2

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Recap: "My turn!" Iri announced, handing me my present. It was really big. I wonder what's inside? A weapon, maybe? I tore off the wrapping paper and opened the box. I gasped. It was...

On with the story:


A jumbo, stuffed tiger! It was huge and I loved it!

A jumbo, stuffed tiger! It was huge and I loved it!

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I tackled my Onee-chan into a hug. "How'd you know I wanted this?" I asked her as I was still hugging her. "Well, remember when I took you to that forest a few yards from here when you were 8?" She asked. I nodded my head in response.

"I remember how you couldn't take your eyes off those tigers. Plus, you had hearts in your eyes." Iri cooed. I felt myself blush, so I turned my head. "Thanks for my present, Iri. I love it." I said as I gave her another hug. She smiled and hugged me.

Sharon walked up to me and handed me her gift. The box was tall and at least a foot taller than me. I opened the box and saw that it was a trident. Yes! Finally! I've been asking, no, BEGGING Okaa-san for a weapon for years!

But she kept telling me that I wasn't ready and I had to wait until I was older. "Arigato, Sharon." I said, smiling. Sharon smiled back and bowed her head. Last, but not least, there was Julia. She handed me a wrapped gift with bats on it.

I took off the wrapping paper and opened the box. I pulled out a black cloak hooded cloak with a red yin yang tomoe on the back. (See picture at the top).

"It's for whenever you leave the house, Milady." Julia explained. "It's perfect. I love it. Arigato." I said, hugging her. Yes, I remember the last time I went outside the castle without covering my wings and tails. Some kids started calling 'freak' and 'monster'.

In time, I just ignored them. But one day, when they found out that I was used to it, they began bullying me because I was 'different'. Eventually, Iri heard my cries and found me. She used her Ice Style Jutsu to scare off the kids. They ran away.

As for me, I was left crying in my Onee-chan's chest. So from now on, whenever I leave the castle, I have to cover my wings and tails. But I was 7 at the time, so I'm over it. "Milady," Julia said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" I answered. "Would you like me to train you in ninjutsu? If that's all right with you, Luna-sama?" she asked, looking at Okaa-san. She thought about it for a moment.

"Well, it is Nue's birthday, so why not? But as long as she sticks to the basic techniques." Okaa-san said after thinking about it. "Really?!" I said, shocked. Normally, Okaa-san would say, 'no' because of how much I would get my ass kicked whenever I fought against Iri.

That was only because I wasn't strong enough. Give me a break! I was only 7 at the time and she knew more stuff than me! "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I said happily as I hugged her. "You're welcome." Okaa-san said, hugging me back.

"Iri, Sharon. Help me clean this up while they train for a while." She said. "Hai." They chorused as they got to work. "Can I help?" I asked them. "On your birthday? No way, Missy. Go ahead and have fun." Iri said, motioning me to go.

I smiled and gave her a nod before heading towards the training room while Julia walked behind me. The training room was really big. There was a lot of space and there were dummies we could use to practice on them.

Plus, there was a ton of weapons I could use. "Come at me with all you've got." I said, getting into a fighting stance. "As you wish, Milady." Julia replied, taking a bow. My maids were way too loyal. I've told them that they didn't have to bow in front of me all the time.

But they told me that they would be going against my mother's orders. "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" I said, doing the correct hand signs. I breathed out a medium-sized fireball. Julia easily deflected it with her shield, making it bounce back towards me.

I quickly dodged out of the way, doing an overhead roll. Julia charged at me, head on. She tried to throw a punch at me and I dodged it. "Wind Style: Great Wind Breach!" She yelled, doing the hand signs quickly.

I was flown off my feet and got slammed into a wall, coughing up a little bit of blood in the process. "Is that all you have in you, Nue-sama?" Julia taunted. Now that's more like it. I wiped the blood off the corner of my mouth and smirked.

"Are you kidding? I'm just getting warmed up." I said, getting up.

------------(Time skip)-----------

After about 3 hours of training, I heard the doorbell ring. "Why don't you take a break, Milady?" Julia suggested. "What? No way! I still have enough energy to take you down." I said, getting up from the ground.

But I failed miserably as I felt my legs give away. Julia caught me before I could hit the ground. "I'm sure you have plenty of energy left, Nue-sama. But I suggest you get some rest so we can continue our battle for another time." She said.

"Okay." I said with a pout. "Thank you, Milady."

Out of nowhere, Sharon appeared before us. "Please take Nue-sama to her room so she can rest." Julia said to Sharon. "Hai," Sharon took me from Julia and carried me bridal style to my room. Julia left so she could get whoever was at the door.

"Uh, Sharon? I can walk you know." I said to her. "With the energy you've used up, I doubt that, Milady." Sharon said. "Hey!" I whined. She giggled at my whiny voice. Once we were in my room, she set me on my bed and pulled the covers over me.

"Will that be all, Milady?" She asked as she stood by my bedside. "Yes, you may leave." I told her. "Very well." With that, she left the room and closed the door. 'I wonder who's at the door?' I thought, snuggling into my covers and holding my stuffed bunny.

'It's probably just the mailman' I thought, before drifting off into a light sleep. That's the weird thing I found about myself. I'm always very tired during the daytime. Yet, I'm full of energy during nightfall.

So, in order to help me sleep, Okaa-san gave me some sleeping pills. So far, they've been working. But my concern right now is the stranger at the door. Eh, maybe it's just some messenger or something.

But boy, was I dead wrong when I woke up.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

End of the 4th chapter. (Phew) So, who do you think is at the door? Is it really the mailman or is it someone else? Find out in the next chapter. For now, watch TV, eat junk food, or just go crazy. See you all later!

Kureiji out~

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