Chapter 32: Sister Against Sister

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Iri's POV

Nue and I began to go at each other with taijutsu. We were both equally good at it. I kept dodging and blocking her attacks. Though, I was little slow thanks to the beating I got from Nue earlier. She's really fast.

I'm surprised she fighting while she's injured. She must be fighting off her pain. I got kicked in the face and slid across the floor. "Wow. You're good." I said, getting up. Nue narrowed her eyes at me. I got up and quickly did some hand signs.

"Ice Style: Solid Spikes!" I created ice sickles and threw them at her; It was the same technique I used on her from earlier.

"It's pointless." I heard her mutter. When they were about to hit her, they completely fell apart. "What?! No way!" I said, shocked. "Your jutsu won't work on me, Iri." Nue said before running at me with the katana she summoned.

I summoned my own katana and we clashed, our weapons fighting for dominance. "Nue, look at yourself! This isn't like you!" I shouted at her. Nue frowned and we both jumped back. Nue ran at me and began to swing her katana at my head.

Is she trying to cut my head off?! I kicked her in the stomach and she fell on her back. Nue did a backwards roll and stood to her feet, glaring at me.

She replaced her katana with a trident and aimed it at me. If she's going to shoot lightning at me, then I'm screwed. Lightning shot out of her trident, dashing towards me. I ran off to the side, trying to get away from the attack.

I ran forward, dodging the lightning attacks that were coming at me. I saw Nue take out a kunai knife, so I kicked it out of her hand, making it fly up into the air. As Nue took out another knife, I caught the one I kicked out of her hand and jumped back.

The two of us panted as we were out of breath. "You sound out of breath, Nue." I mentioned with a smirk. "As do you." She replied, smirking back. Once we pulled ourselves together, we ran at each other again.

When we were close to each other, we stopped at the same time and raised our kunai knives at each other's necks. It's no use. We were both equally matched and Nue's definitely come a long way. "Nue, I know you're mad. But what Orochimaru said to you was a lie." I tried to reason with her.

"You should really stop talking, Iri. You're gonna get yourself killed." Nue said to me. She spun around, kicking me in the face, and jumped back. She snapped her fingers, making the knife in my hand disappear. "What?!" I said in disbelief.

Nue ran at me and tried to cut me with the knife she still had. I quickly did a backflip, getting away from the knife. When I landed on my feet, Nue swiftly punched me in the stomach. My feet skidded on the ground until I came to a stop.

'She's fast. I can't keep up with her' I thought as I panted lightly. I gasped when I saw her eyes glowing purple. "I gotta admit. You have gotten stronger." I said, smiling. Nue didn't say anything as she stared at me with a blank face.

"But still... I don't think you have a chance of winning against me." I said, taking a knife out of my weapon pouch. Nue laughed. "Always so determined, Iri. You won't beat me." She replied. "We'll see about that!" I said as I charged at her.

Nue laughed again. "Just don't come crying to me when you lose!" She yelled as she ran at me. When we close enough to each other, our weapons clashed. The next thing I knew, I was pinned to the ground with my little sister as she held her katana above her head, preparing it to come down on my face.

She sat on my stomach and had a hand holding down my shoulder while she stared at me with her purple, glowing eyes. I can't believe it... I lost to her. My knife was just a few feet away from me and there was no way I could get to it in this situation.

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