Chapter 29: Trust

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*Three days later*

I moved the wood around with a stick as I tried to keep the fire lit. I don't know where Misaki went. She's either still hiding or she made her way out of the forest. The yin yang, wolf-like creature stared at me as I kept the fire lit.

"If you're going to keep staring at me, the least you can do is be useful." I said to it. "You seem very upset." He aid. "What gave me away? My silence or my attitude?" I asked. "Both." He answered. I looked at him before sighing and going back to the fire.

"Thank you, by the way." I said. "I didn't do anything." He said, bluntly. "You did. You didn't leave me. So, thank you for that." I said. "It was no trouble at all." He replied. I stared at the flames for a moment.

"I'm all alone, aren't I?" I asked as I pulled my knees to my chest. I felt like I was on the verge of crying. "Why do you think that?" The creature asked. "Because I can't trust anyone. The humans, everyone... They think I'm a freak. Am I... really a monster?" I asked, sadly.

"No. I don't think so. You still have your friends. You team." He said. "But..." I trailed off as I thought about my team. "Nue, they haven't done anything to hurt you, have they?" He asked. "Well... no." I answered.

"Then, you're not alone. They're still your friends, Nue."

"Do you think so?"

"I'm certain of it."

I looked at him before hugging my knees tighter, hiding my face in them. I stayed like that for a moment until I looked at the fire, staring at the flames. Maybe's he's right. Naruto's still my friend. Kiba's still my friend.

So, I guess I'm not alone. "I'm going to get more firewood." I informed before standing up. "But it's already dark. Are you sure that's a good idea?" The creature asked. "I can't let the fire go out." I told him. I started walking away from the fire.

I stopped and looked back at him. "You're free to come with me if you want." I said. He didn't hesitate as he jumped on my shoulder. "What's your name, anyway?" I asked as I began to walk again. "I don't have one." He answered.

"You don't have a name?"


"Well, that's not okay. How about we give you a name then?"

He shrugged. "Well, let's see. What name would you like to go by?" I asked. He shrugged again while blinking his eyes. "Okay, how about we go with... Yin Yang? That sounds like it fits, right?" I asked.

He stared at me for a moment before giving me a nod. "Okay. From this point on, your name is Yin Yang." I said. I picked up some firewood while Yin Yang watched. "That should be enough. Let's head back." Yin Yang said.

I gave a nod and we walked back to the campsite. We were halfway there until..... "Watch out! Paper bomb!" Yin Yang warned when I foot lightly tripped a wire. But that wasn't all. There were paper bombs all around me. Why didn't I see them before? Shit!

The explosives went off and the trees around me collapsed on top of me. "Nue! Nue, are you all right?! Answer me!" I squinted my eyes open. I tried to sit up. But a tree was on top of me, sideways. It was literally crushing me.

I coughed while blood ran down my chin. The collapsed trees were all around me. One of them was crushing my ankle and another one was crushing my left arm while I felt blood ran down my head. "H... Help me... Please someone... help me..." I whispered in a hoarse voice.

I reached out toward the stars with my right hand, trying to get up until my hand fell to my side. I was so tired, I just wanted to rest. I could feel my heartbeat slowing down. Am I going to die here? No, I can't... die. 

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