Chapter 27: The Forest of Death

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Nue's POV

"Why doessss the cat have to be here?" Kiyoshi hissed out of annoyance. I shrugged. "Iri said she wanted me to bring her. That she could be good luck." I said as I petted Misaki's head. She purred as Kiyoshi hissed.

"Kiyoshi, you're not jealous, are you?" I asked. "Why would I be jealoussss of that furball?" Kiyoshi said with a frown. Misaki hissed at him. "I think she heard you." I said. I continued to walk to where Anko told us to meet.

Maria said she was gonna meet me there and Iri just left. "You seem cheerful this morning." I heard someone say. I turned my head and saw Sasuke walking behind me. I ignored him and pulled on my hood. "You're not gonna say thank you?" He asked.

I stopped walking and turned around to face him. "Thank you? For what?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. "For getting you that cat." Sasuke said. "Well, aren't you generous... Wait a minute, that was you?!" I asked.

"Yeah. Surprised?"

"Yeah! But why would you get me a cat? That's way too nice of you." Misaki hopped on my head and made herself comfortable.

"I know you haven't been sleeping and I've noticed your training has been getting a little sloppy. So, I thought maybe you could use a friend to sleep with you. It's like you said; it wouldn't be fair to the rest of the team if one of us is weakened." Sasuke said as he walked beside me.

I looked at him, a little shocked. "Have you been stalking me?" I asked. "I'd like to think of it as watching over you." He said.

"I'm not gonna lie to you, but that's kind of creepy. But why would you care about me? I thought you were that type that wanted to be left alone?" I asked. "That was only because of... my brother," He mumbled.

"And I think of you as a little sister." Sasuke added. "That's sweet. But what about your brother?" I asked. "My brother... was the reason why I'm distant. I promised myself I'd get stronger so I could defeat him." Sasuke said.

"Where is your brother? Where is he now?" I asked. He frowned and looked at the ground. "Never mind. I can tell you don't wanna talk about it, so forget I asked." I said. We stayed quiet for the rest of the walk to the second part of the exam.

"By the way, I've been meaning to ask you something." Sasuke said as we were halfway there.

"Fire away."

"Why do you wear that cloak?"

I stopped walking when he asked that question. "Hmm?" Sasuke looked at me when he noticed I stopped walking. My eyes widened as I looked at the ground. "Next question." I said, quickly as I started walking beside him again.

Sasuke raised a brow at me. "Okay. About that symbol on your cloak. What clan are you from?" he asked. "I'm from he Houjuu Clan." I answered. "What kind of special jutsu do they develop?" Sasuke asked me.

"I'm not sure. I don't know much about my clan. I don't even know where it is. But I think I might be the last of the Houjuu Clan." I said with a fake smile. "Why do you sound so happy when you say that?" Sasuke asked. I just shrugged.

"Because if I don't smile, people will start to worry about me, and I don't want them to. But enough about that. Let's just enjoy the walk in silence for now, okay?" I suggested. Sasuke stared at me for a moment before looking ahead as we stayed silent for the rest of the walk.

It didn't bother me that I was the last of my clan. But what did bother me was that how come I was the only one that survived. Why was I only one that fought? No, I can't be the only one who fought. I'm sure my people fought as well. They tried their hardest to protect everyone.

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