Chapter 9: Nue's New Home

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Nue's POV

I continued to walk around the woods with the map in my face. I didn't know what I was doing. I wish I had Iri with me. She's an expert when it comes to directions. Thoughts of my family went through my mind. I looked down at the ground sadly. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?"

I turned around and saw a man wearing a bird mask. An ANBU. "Huh?" I asked. "What are you doing here?" He asked me. "Oh, I was just trying to locate the Leaf Village. Can you help me?" I asked him. "Yeah, sure. What's a kid like you doing out here anyway?"

"I'm traveling."

"By yourself?"

"Yes. I like to travel alone." I lied.

He sighed and took my hand. "Come on. I'll take you to the gates." He said. "Thank you very much." I said, fake smiling. Yeah, I'm not exactly happy right now. We continued to walk until we reached the Leaf Village gates. "Hey, Kotetsu. Izumo." The ANBU said.

The two men that were having a conversation stopped and looked at us. One of them had spiky black hair with a bandage going across his face and the other one had brown hair and wore some kind of bandanna with the leaf village symbol on it.

"Hey, what's up?" The one with the bandage across his face asked. "I need you guys to take her to the Hokage." The ANBU said. "Who is she?" The guy with the brown hair asked, putting his hands on his knees to look at me. I looked at him with my head cocked to the side.

"Don't know. She didn't tell me her name. I just found her in the woods by herself." The ANBU answered.

"What was she doing out there?"

"She said she likes to travel alone."

"Really? How old are you, kid?" The guy with the bandanna asked me.

"I'm twelve. and my name's Nue." I replied. "You shouldn't be out there on your own. You could get hurt," I rolled my eyes. 'I'm not a child, you know' I thought. "Come on, I'll take you to see Lord Hokage." He said, taking my hand.

We walked through the village and was getting some stares from people. "Mommy, why is she wearing a cloak?" I heard a boy say. 'That's a random question to ask out of the blue' I thought. As long as no one finds out the truth, I should be fine.

I gave a small sigh as I continued to walk next to the Bandaged Man. "Excuse me, sir. How long until we get to the Hokage House?" I asked him. "Not long now. By the way, what's your name?" He asked me.

"My name's Nue Houjuu Satori." (A/N: Satori is Luna and Iri's last name. So when they adopted Nue, Satori also became her last name) "Nue, huh? That's an interesting name. My name's Kotetsu." He said, smiling.

"Who was that man you were talking to earlier?" I asked. "That was my partner, Izumo." He answered. "Izumo... sounds interesting." I said. We finally reached the Hokage House and Kotetsu knocked on the door.

"Come in," Said a voice on the other side. It sounded old and a bit worn out. Kotetsu opened the door and we walked inside. I saw an old man who looked at least eighty. I'm guessing he's the Hokage. "Lord Hokage," Kotetsu said, bowing. I was right.

"What is it, Kotetsu?" The old man asked. "One of our ANBU Black Op members found this girl outside the village by herself, in the woods." He answered. The Hokage looked me, then back to Kotetsu, then at me again.

"What is your name, child?" He asked me. "My name is Nue Houjuu Satori. I have a message from Luna Satori." I said. I walked over to him and handed him the note that Okaa-san gave me. "Kotestsu, leave us." He said. Kotetsu nodded, then left the room.

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