Chapter 21: Family Reunion

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I was on the roof of my apartment, gazing up at the stars. I couldn't sleep. Not anymore anyway. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw Haku and Zabuza's corpses. Whenever I tried going to sleep, I saw blood. "Nue-sama. I don't think you should be doing this." Maria said, out of worry.

I looked behind me and saw her staring at me as the cool breeze blew through her hair. I looked back at the stars. "Come on, kid. At leassst try going back to ssssleep." Kiyoshi said. "No. If I do, I'll see blood." I blinked then rubbed my eyes.

"Leave me be, Maria." I said to her. "Hai." She bowed, then teleported herself back inside the apartment. "You should get ssssome ssssleep. It'ssss not healthy for you to sssstay awake. Your body needssss the resssst." Kiyoshi hissed.

"I don't think I like what you're saying. Leave now." I said, emotionlessly. He sighed. "Fine." He started to slither back into the apartment window, but stopped. "I'm not going anywhere, you know. I'll alwayssss be here. You can talk to me whenever you want." Kiyoshi said.

He went back inside the apartment. I sighed. I know Kiyoshi and Maria are trying to help me, but I just can't go back to sleep. I looked towards the sky again as I saw morning slowly approaching.

I got up and did my usual morning routine: take a shower, brush teeth, wash face, and get dressed. "Maria, I'm leaving." I informed. "Would you like some breakfast before you go, Nue-sama?" She asked.

"Not today. But thank you, though." I said as I pulled on my cloak. "Let's go, Kiyoshi." I said. He nodded and wrapped himself around my waist. I jumped off rooftops until I got to the bridge and waited for my team. I stared at the ground for a bit until I looked to my side my side as I saw Sasuke walking towards me.

"Morning." He greeted. I only gave a simple wave before looking back at the ground, staying quiet. A while later, Naruto and Sakura came by. "Hey, there, guys. Sorry, I'm late. I got lost on the path of life. " Kakashi-sensei said. "You liar!" Naruto and Sakura yelled at the same time.

"Can we just get this over with please?" I asked.

(After missions)

"You're so helpless, Naruto." Sakura said. I sighed out of boredom. I looked towards the sky and spotted a hawk. I guess Lord Hokage wants to see Kakashi-sensei. "I'm going home." I informed himi. He nodded and disappeared with a puff of smoke.

I began jumping from tree to tree. When I was about to jump to another tree, I was taken by surprise and got pinned to the tree while standing on a branch. "Ow..." I looked at Sasuke, seeing that he was the one who pinned me.

"What do you want, Sasuke?" I asked, bluntly. "Why are you avoiding us?" He demanded. "Come again?" I asked, confused by his question. "You're avoiding the team. Why?" Sasuke demanded.

"That's none of your business, and no, I'm not avoiding you guys." I objected. "You've been like this ever since we returned from the Land of Waves." He said.

"Like what?"

"Anti-social. You were always smiling and laughing. Now, you've gone quiet. You don't even talk to Naruto or Kakashi anymore."

Okay, okay. So what if I have been distant from my team? There's no crime against that.

"So?" I asked, nonchalantly.

"So, talk to someone. Or at least talk to me. We're friends, aren't we?"

"I don't know. I guess. I just need some time to myself."

I struggled to get out of his grip, but he held my wrists tightly. "You need to talk to someone, Nue. We're all worried about you. Even me. You're even starting to scare some of us." Sasuke said. "Just leave me alone!" I snapped.

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