Chapter 26: Written Exam and A Gift

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Nue's POV

I sat between Gaara and some sound ninja as Ibiki was going over the rules. What got me nervous was when he said if one member from the team fails the test, then the whole team fails. "BEGIN!" Ibiki announced. We all got started on the test.

"Ugh! I don't know what I'm doing! Each question is harder than the last one!" I whispered to Kiyoshi. "Why don't you cheat?" Kiyoshi said.

"Cheat? I can't do that."

"Oh, for Jasssshin's ssssake! That'ssss what they want you to do! Jussst don't get caught." I closed my eyes and began to think of an idea. "Do you think you could whisper the answers to me, Kiyoshi?" I asked. "SSSSure thing, kid." He said as he slithered to the top of my head.

I wrote down all the answers to the test as Kiyoshi whispered them to me from someone else's answers. I finished the test and flipped my paper over. "Thanks, Kiyoshi. I can always count on you." I said. He grinned and rested his head down on mine. 

I rested my head on the desk and spaced out. After a while, Ibiki said he was gonna tell us the tenth question. He said something about half of us would quit. Soon, some genin started raising their hands, saying that they were quitting. Say what?! Are you kidding me?!

They're gonna quit just because they're scared?! They shouldn't quit over that! I gasped when Naruto raised his hand. "No! No way! No matter what, I'll never give up! That's my ninja way! Believe it!" Naruto said. I smiled. Now that's the Naruto I know.

That seemed to motivate some of the other genin. "Well done, you passed the tenth question." Ibiki said. "Huh? What do you mean we passed? What about the tenth question?" I asked. Ibiki began explaining to us that the tenth question was to see if we had the guts to stay or give up.

Suddenly, something crashed through the window. "What the hell?!" Kiyoshi hissed. Okay, let me analyze this. Unknown crash through the window, giant banner comes out while a jonin makes her appearance, and she's crazy. Sounds to me we have another Naruto.

"Heads up, boys and girls! This is no time to be celebrating. My name's Anko Mitarashi. Are you all ready for the second part of the exam? Good! Now, everyone get up and follow me!" The jonin exclaimed. Kiyoshi and I sweat dropped. Definitely another Naruto.

"You're early again as usual, Anko." Ibiki said as he stepped out from behind the banner. She blushed out of embarrassment. "Man, how many of them are there? Ibiki, your test was too easy. You must be getting soft." Anko told him.

"Is it me or is her headband on a little too tight?" I asked Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi just laughed at my comment. Anko told us things were gonna get difficult tomorrow morning. Oh, boy. I wonder what's gonna happen tomorrow.

"Wow, Anko. You really are crazy." I heard Maria say as she climbed through the window. "Looks like Bussssty Babe tagged along with General Crazy." Kiyoshi said. "Busty Babe?" I repeated. "My new nickname for Maria." He explained. I sweat dropped. Perverted old snake.

"You named her that because of her chest size, didn't you?" I asked, deadpanning. "You know me sssso well, Nue." He said, smiling. "Let's go home, Maria." I called. "Hai, Nue-sama." Maria, being as fast as she is, teleported in front of me, then teleported us home.

"Kon'nichiwa, Nue." Okaa-san said. "Kon'nichiwa." I said back, smiling. "Have you seen your sister? She's been gone for a few hours now." She said. "I'm home!" Iri said, coming through the door as she was still in disguise.

"Who are you?" Okaa-san demanded as she took out a kunai knife. "Okaa-san, it's me, Iri." Iri said. "Iri, you're still in disguise." I told her. "Oh, yeah. I forgot." She poofed out of her disguise and Okaa-san sighed. "Why were you in disguise?" She asked Iri.

Iri laughed nervously. "Well... I kind of participated in the Chunin Exams." She said, rubbing the back of her head. "You did what?! Without permission from a jonin?!" Okaa-san screamed. "I was only looking after Nue, and I was just making sure that pedo snake didn't do anything to her. Plus, I did get permission from someone! It was from Iruka!" Iri explained.

"Pedo snake?" I said, confused. "That's Orochimaru's nickname." Iri said. "I don't think that's really nice." I said. Iri shrugged her shoulders. "By the way, Nue. Some boy told me to give this to you." Okaa-san told me.

She picked up a small box off the counter and placed it in my hands. "Arigato." I said with a small bow. I made my way to my room so I could open the box there as Maria followed me. "What do you think it is?" Maria asked me.

"Only one way to find out." I said. I sat down and started tearing off the tape. I opened the box and peered inside. "Meow." Maria and I both screamed in excitement. "Kitty!" I cheered. Maria picked it up and began spinning around with it in her arms.

"Who would send you something so adorable?" Maria squealed as she held the cat. "I'm not sure. I guess it was from Shikamaru or Kiba." I said. "Let's go downstairs and show Luna-sama and Iri-sama." Maria said as she was already heading towards the kitchen.

"Hey, wait up!" I called, following behind her.

~ ~ ~(Timeskip)~ ~ ~

After spending ten minutes running around, trying to get the cat out of Iri's arms, Maria cooked us dinner with Okaa-san's help.

After dinner, Iri and I were getting ready for bed. Or, she was getting ready for bed. "Why don't you try going back to sleep?" Iri asked as she was laying on my bed. I pulled on my pajamas and laid Kiyoshi on a pillow.

"I already told you, I can't." I said to her as I stretched out my wings and tails. "But you need the sleep. The second part of the exam is tomorrow." She said. "I know. But if I go to sleep, I'll have nightmares." I said. "Hmm... Bingo! I know!" Iri said as she scooped up the black cat that was rubbing against her leg. "Maybe she can help you." She suggested.

"You want me to sleep with Misaki?" I asked. Misaki was the name Iri and I came up with for the cat. "Yeah. Besides, it might work." Iri said. "Thanks, Iri. But I don't think sleeping with a cat will cure my insomnia." I said. "You'll never know unless you try." Iri stated.

I sighed. I realized there was no point in arguing with her. She was just gonna keep bugging me until I agree with her. "Fine. I'll give it a shot." I said. "Perfect! Night, imouto!" Iri said as she set the cat on my bed and left.

Misaki curled up into a ball and rested her head down on the blanket. I turned off the light and climbed into bed. 'I wonder if Kiba or Shikamaru sent her?' I thought before falling asleep. And guess what? No nightmares.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nue finally got some sleep. What do you guys think? Who sent Misaki to her? Orochimaru? Kiba? Shikamaru? Or someone else? Find out in the next chapter. Vote and Comment. Until next time. Sayonara, my insane children!

Kureiji out~

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