Chapter 40: A Mistake?

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Nue's POV

"This is... Sasuke's older brother?" I said in disbelief. Sasuke started talking about how he's kept his hatred for him until he shouted, "It ends here!" and started Chidori before running towards Itachi. "Sasuke!" I called. Itachi blocked the attack like it was nothing, then bent Sasuke's wrist, making him scream in pain.

"All right, that does it!" Naruto said. He bit his thumb and started to do some hand signs. "Summoning-!"

"Too slow!"

Fish Guy slashed his sword down, but it didn't touch Naruto. "What the..? My chakra." Naruto said. "What's wrong?" I asked him. "I can't feel my chakra." He replied. "My Samehada cuts and absorbs chakra." Fish Guy said.

I gulped. No! Don't get scared now! I made a promise! "I won't run away." I said to myself, then got in a fighting stance. "I won't let you hurt, Naruto! Do you hear me?!" I shouted.

Fish Guy stared at me. "You have such confidence for such a small child." He mentioned. I gritted my teeth. "No, Nue! Stay out of this! This is my battle! I've waited for this day." Sasuke said. He won't be able to defeat his brother. He's not strong enough.

"You're too weak, Sasuke! You can't defeat him!" I said to him. "Just mind your own business!" Sasuke snapped. "Forget the legs. I'll just chop off the arms." Fish Guy said. As his sword came down on us, it was interrupted by a puff smoke.

When the smoke cleared, I saw a toad in front of Naruto and I, realizing he was the one who intercepted the attack. "The Toad Sage, Jiraiya, is here!" We heard Jiraiya say. I look behind me to see Jiraiya-sensei holding a woman over his shoulder.

I face palmed because of the way he looked right now. "You're late, Pervy Sage! These guys don't care who you are!" Naruto yelled. "Hey, could you not call me that in front of other people?" Jiraiya-sensei asked.

"Get with it Pervy Sage! We have bigger problems here!" Naruto shouted. "I said not to call me that!" Jiraiya-sensei shouted back. "Guys, now's not the time!" I yelled at them. "What do we do now, Nue?" Kiyoshi asked me.

"I'm thinking, I'm thinking." I said as I closed me eyes, trying to think of a plan. I heard Jiraiya telling the cloaked men that their purpose was to separate me and Naruto from him, but what for? "Naruto is the prize to the Akatsuki." I heard Itachi say.

"I won't let you harm him!" I said to them, snapping my eyes open. "No, Nue. Stay out of this. These are S-rank criminals were dealing with here." Jiraiya told me. "They're also the people who murdered my clan!" I argued. "Stay out of it, Nue." I heard Sasuke say.

"The one who's going to eliminate him... is me!" Sasuke said as he activated his Sharingan. "Go away. You don't interest me at the moment." Itachi said to him in an emotionless tone. "Then, get interested!" Sasuke yelled as he ran at Itachi.

Itachi kicked him in the stomach while his back was still facing him, sending Sasuke flying to a wall. "Sasuke!" Naruto called. I ran to Sasuke, but my cloak was pulled back by a strong hand. Bad luck for me because whoever pulled my cloak back, also yanked it off my body, revealing my wings and tails. 'Shit!' I thought to myself.

"Well, well. Get a load of this, Itachi. Looks like she did make it after all." Fish Guy said. I growled. Itachi looked back to see my wings and tails. "With those things on her back, there's no mistaking it. That has to be her." Itachi said.

I gritted my teeth. I'm so screwed. "You're going to pay for what you did to my clan." I mentioned with a frown. I spun around, getting ready to punch Fish Guy, but he kicked me hard in the stomach. I fell on my back as a foot was pressed against my chest, keeping me down on the floor.

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