Chapter 33: Unexplained Answers

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Nue's POV

I slowly opened my eyes to a bright light. I looked at my surroundings and realized I was in the infirmary. I took a look at myself and saw my cloak still on. I sighed in relief. Looks like Kurenai put my cloak back on and asked the nurses to keep it on. 

"I'm glad to see that you're okay," I looked to my side and saw Kiba laying in a hospital bed. "Kiba! Are you okay?" I asked out of worry. He chuckled. "Yeah. Don't worry, I'm fine." He said. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I lost to Naruto in the preliminary round." Kiba explained. 

"You did?"

"Yep. I underestimated him. Naruto's a lot stronger than he looks."


"By the way, what are you in here for, Nue? You beat your sister and you hardly got a scratch on you."

"I'd rather not talk about it."

I lied back down and stared at the ceiling. "Hmm... Okay then." Kiba said. I looked over at him and saw his eyes closed. I'm assuming he's going back to sleep. I realized I was feeling a bit better and my wounds have miraculously healed.

I threw the blanket off of me, exited the room, and began to walk down the hall. "It seems she's the last one of her kind, My Lord." I heard a voice say. "Kabuto?" I whispered, puzzled. I went down the hall and hid behind a corner.

"Are you sure giving her the curse mark was a good idea? She's unstable as it is." Kabuto said. "Of course. Nue may be a little confused at the moment, but she will return to her true nature and she will join me." A voice replied. "Orochimaru." I whispered in realization.

"Are you sure? Now that she trust her sister again, it's most likely Nue will stay away from you." I heard a Kabuto say. Damn right, I will. I heard Orochimaru chuckle. "Then, we'll just have to change that, now won't we?" Orochimaru said.

'Good luck with that' I thought. "Wouldn't you agree, Nue?" Orochimaru asked. I gasped. Did he spot me? No, there's no way he spotted me. I'm still hiding. He must've sensed my chakra. I took a small step back, hoping we wouldn't hear me. Ah, hell with it!

I turned around and made a run for it. I have to stay away from him at all cost. I ran back to my room and slammed the door, leaning against it. "Hmm, I was wondering where you went," I lifted my head head up. "Kakashi-sensei? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I came here to inform you about the finals, but you weren't here." He said. I chukled nervously. "Yeah, sorry about that. I just went for a short walk." I said. "I see. Anyway, the finals are in a month. I trust you'll be training your hardest." Kakashi explained.

"I will. Is it okay if I can go home now?" I asked. He nodded his head.

After I checked out of the hospital, I went for a walk. "I have one month to train until the final exams. So, who should I have train me?" I asked out loud. Maybe I could ask for Maria's help. I went to the training grounds and decided to meditate.

Once I got there, I sat on my knees and closed my eyes.

What did Orochimaru mean when he said 'return to my true nature'? I need to know what happened back then. I have to know why I was the only one that made it out of the Houjuu Clan alive. "You know, Nue, if you needed some help, you could've just asked,"

I opened my eyes and looked down to see Yin Yang staring up at me. "There you are. What happened to you? Why did you run off?" I asked. "I had some business to take care of." He answered.


"That's right. How are you feeling, by the way?"

"I'm feeling fine."

"Anything broken?"

"Well, I did have a couple of cracked ribs and a broken ankle. But I'm all healed up now." I smiled.

"I was just wondering, considering how you've healed up so quickly." Yin Yang said. "Maybe the doctors put healing ointment on my wounds or something." I guessed.

"Nue, do you remember anything from when you were younger? Before you met Luna and Iri?" Yin Yang questioned. "No, nothing like that." I said. "So, it's true. You have forgotten about it." Yin Yang said. "Forgotten about what?" I asked. "Long ago, you made a wish."

"A wish?"

"Yes, and I will stay by your side until that wish is granted."

"Was it like a shooting star kind of wish?"


"Oh. So, could you tell me what I wished for?"

"Sorry, but that's against the rules."

"Rules? Aww, come on. Not even a hint?"

"Nope. Sorry."

I pouted. "Where did you come from, anyway?" I asked. "You should know. You've been there before. To that place." Yin Yang said. I mentally face palmed. "No, I don't because I don't remember anything from when I was little. Remember?" I pointed out.

I was little irritated that Yin Yang was giving me clues and not answers. "Who are you, Nue?" He asked. I didn't understand his question. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I mean what I mean. Who are you?" Yin Yang repeated.

"I'm Nue Houjuu Satori." I answered. "Are you really? Are you really Nue Houjuu Satori?" He asked. "I don't know what you mean. Are you saying my name's not Nue?" I asked. "No, I'm asking you if you know who you are." He said.

"I'm Nue, of course. Well, when I was in the Land of Waves, I met a man named Zabuza Momochi, who happened to be my uncle." I explained. "That's good. At least you know one of your family members." Yin Yang said.

"You know, you could help me out here if you just told me what happened that day." I said. "I can't. Sorry." He apologized as he began to walk away. "Hey, where are you going?" I asked, standing up. "Nowhere. I'll always be watching you, Nue." Yin Yang said before disappearing.

I stared off into space for a bit until I decided to train. I started working on my Fire Style techniques, then thought about my "dark" power. I fell back on the grass and gazed at the sky. "I still don't understand how to trigger it. I mean, it seems to get triggered when I'm in danger or something like that. But I still don't know how to trigger it willingly." I said to myself. 

A leaf that had escaped from a tree fluttered over to me and gently landed itself on my forehead. I closed my eyes, thinking about Zabuza. "Zabuza... I wish you would've told me more about my past. Please, I'm lost and I need answers." I whispered.

I sat up and began training again.

After I trained for two hours, I decided to go home. "Hey, maggot!" I turned around to see Anko walking towards me. "Me?" I asked, pointing at myself. "Yeah. You don't have anyone to train you yet, do ya?" She asked. "No." I answered, shaking my head.

"Good. 'Cause starting tomorrow, I'll be your trainer." Anko said. "Huh?!" I asked. "Meet me at the training grounds, 8 o'clock sharp, and don't be late! Got it?!" She said sternly. "Yes, of course!" I said, quickly.

"Good." Anko ruffled my hair before walking away. I stood there, wondering what the hell just happened. I shook my head and continued to walk home. Looks like I have someone to train me now. But why did she pick me of all people?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Holy crap. Anko's gonna train Nue. *gulp* What's gonna happen? Will Nue survive crazy Anko's training? Find out in Chapter 34. Vote and comment. Sayonara!

Kureiji out~

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