Chapter 44: Kakashi-sensei's Face

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I spent the new few days at the Hyuga Clan. I didn't feel ready to go home yet because I was still a little shaken up from my disturbing past. But I didn't see all of it. I didn't even get to see the night my clan was murdered.

"Nue?" Hinata said from behind me. "Yes?" I answered, turning my head to see her. "How are you feeling?" She asked, sitting next to me. "Oh, I'm fine. Just... a little lost." I said. My wings and tails were out, but Hinata was okay with it.

The day after I arrived here, I accidentally had them out and Hinata saw them. Surprisingly, she wasn't disturbed by them, so I trusted her. "May I touch them? Your tails, I mean." She asked. "Go ahead." I said, granting her permission.

She gently touched my tails. "Weird, aren't they? I don't blame you for feeling uncomfortable, Hinata. I think you have every right to be afraid of me. I'm a freak." I said. "I don't think you're a freak, Nue. I think you're just misunderstood. You're just someone who wants people to understand your situation." Hinata said.

"Funny. I remember saying something like that to Gaara," I stared at the ground with a small smile. "Thanks, Hinata." I said, smiling at her. She smiled back. "Any time." She replied.

The next day, I was feeling a bit better and was ready to go home. I thanked Hinata for her hospitality, then left the Hyuga Clan. I was walking back to my house until I spotted Squad 7 and Iri.

"Well? Do you wanna see it?" I heard Naruto ask. "See what?" Sasuke asked. "Kakashi-sensei's real face." Naruto said in a creepy way as he held a flashlight under his face. Sakura freaked out and punched him on the head.

"His face?" Iri repeated in confusion. "What about Kakashi's face?" I asked, walking over to him. "Nue!" Iri cheered, then hugged me. "Where have you been?! I've been worried sick about you! You haven't been home in days!" Iri said.

"I didn't mean to worry you. I'm sorry." I said, bowing my head to her, apologetically. Iri smiled and hugged me once more. "Just don't scare me like that again." She said. "I won't scare you like that again. I promise." I said.

"Anyway, aren't you curious to see Kakashi's face?"

"No, not really."

"Why not?" Naruto asked. "Because it's not exactly our business. Maybe Kakashi-sensei has a reason why he keeps his face covered." I said. "Come on, Nue. What if he's hiding something juicy?" Iri asked. "You sound like Guy-sensei?" I deadpanned. 

"This is stupid. I'm outta here." Sasuke said, then walked away. "What if he has blimp lips?" Naruto asked. Sasuke stopped walking. I could tell he was thinking it over. Iri smirk. "Looks like he needs a little push." Iri whispered to me.

"Or maybe buck teeth." Naruto said. I think that one got to him. "Well, I'm going home. Tell me how it turns it out." Iri said. At first, she wanted to know. Now, she doesn't want to be apart of it. I sighed and decided to tag along with Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura.

We all decided to take Kakashi out to lunch. I really thought this was stupid because I don't think he's ever going to show his face. "The four of you treating me to lunch? This is surprising? What's the occasion?" Kakashi asked.

'He's gonna find out' I thought to myself. I stared off into space until I saw Kakashi reaching for his chopsticks. He snapped them apart and went to go take off his mask until Squad 10 showed up out of nowhere.

"Hey, guys! Weird how we meet up at this place, huh?" Ino said as she grinned. "Get out of the way! I can't see!" Sakura shouted. I raised a brow as they somewhat started to fight each other. "Kakashi-sensei, can I ask you something about..." I trailed off as I saw Kakashi's face. A blush slowly crept across my face.

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