Chapter 39: Encounter

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Nue's POV

"Nue, Naruto's here to see you and he brought some old guy." Iri called. I yawned before getting up from my bed and going to the living room. I've been isolating myself in my bedroom for a while now, just after the Hokage died.

I haven't been much in a happy mood and I was extremely tired during the day for some reason. Naruto, Kiba, and pretty much everyone has been trying to get me to come out, but I was too tired. I've been taking long naps. Almost too long.

By that, I mean, by the time I wake up from my naps, it's already nighttime. I walked into the living room as I was greeted by Naruto. "Hey, Nue-chan!" He said. "Hi. What's up?" I asked as I motioned them to sit on the couch.

"Pervy Sage and I were going to go train. Believe it! You wanna come?" Naruto asked. "Who's Pervy Sage?" I asked as I sat down across from them. "That would be me. But call me Jiraiya." A man with white hair said. I nodded my head, saying I understood while Misaki jumped in my lap.

"Thanks for the offer, Naruto. But I just want to stay home today." I said as I stroked Misaki's fur. "Come on, Nue-chan! It won't be any fun without you." Naruto whined. I realized my wings and tails were out. What concerned me was Jiraiya wasn't scared.

"Jiraiya-san, aren't you afraid of me?" I asked. "Nue, you think I'd be afraid of you just because you're different?" Jiraiya asked. "Yes. Normally, when people see my wings and tails, they either run away from me or avoid me. But that was when I was younger." I explained.

Jiraiya chuckled. "You need to start thinking outside the box, Nue." Jiraiya said. "Outside the box?" I repeated, my head tilted to the side in confusion. "Please, Nue-chan. Come with us. You'll feel better. I know you will." Naruto said.

"Yeah, Nue. You should go. You've been stuck in the house for nearly a week. Go out and get some fresh air." Iri cut in. "Maybe some other time." I said before yawning.. I was about to walk back to my room until Iri grabbed my arm.

"Oh no, you don't, Nue. Naruto's been trying to get you to go outside for days and all you do is reject him like a scorn puppy." Iri said. Iri was right on one point. Great, now I feel bad. How long has it been since I even talked to Naruto?

"Alright, I'll go." I gave in. "Yes! You won't regret, Nue-chan! I promise you! Believe it!" Naruto said, happily as he hugged me. "All right, kids. No time to celebrate. You need to go get packed." Jiraiya said. "Right. Be back in a sec." I said, then went to my room.

"I'm glad you're going with them Nue." Iri said as she helped me pack. "You're not coming?" I asked her. "Nah. I think I'm gonna do some training here with Maria." She said. I looked at her, then went back to packing.

After I was finished packing, I went back to the living room as Jiraiya and Naruto were waiting for me by the door. "I'll see you in a few days, Iri. Take care of Misaki for me." I said to my sister before walking over to Jiraiya and Naruto.

"Wait a minute. You're not taking Misaki? What about your insomnia?" Iri asked as she held the cat in her arms. "I don't think I'll need her. I'll be fine. Besides, I have Kiyoshi with me. Bye, Iri." I said. We headed out the door, off to do some training.

Yin Yang's POV

I watched from a lamp post as Nue walked with Naruto and a white haired man. It's only a matter of time until she remembers. I wonder if any more of her memories have returned. "Ne, ne, Nue-chan. What kind of jutsu do you think we'll learn?" Naruto asked her.

"Not sure. I'm hoping it's a lightning style technique." Nue told him. I noticed Nue was wearing was wearing her black cloak. It's a shame, really. The poor girl can't even remember her own clan symbol. She can't wear that forever. She has to learn to accept who she is, whether she likes it or not.

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