Chapter 23: New Friend=Bloodbath

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I stared at the red haired boy in shock. "How long have you been sitting there?" I asked. "For some time now." He answered, staring straight ahead. I pulled my knees to my chest. "Why are you here?" I asked him.

"I came to apologize for Kankuro's behavior from earlier." He said, looking at me. I blushed. He saw that? Or maybe that girl, Temari, told him. No, he definitely saw that. "Shouldn't you be asleep?" I asked him, looking the other way.

"I think I should be asking you that question." He said. "I can't sleep." I answered, closing my eyes. I realized my wings and tails were out. But I didn't care. "So, you have insomnia?" He asked. I nodded my head yes. Why isn't he running away? I know he sees my wings and tails.

Why isn't he fazed by my appearance? "Aren't you afraid of me?" He asked me. I gave him a closed eye smile. "That's my line." I said. The boy stared at me, emotionlessly. "Besides, why should I be afraid of you?" I asked.

"Because I'm a monster." He said. I laughed lightly. "What's so funny?" He asked, shooting me a confused look. "Because you have it all turned around. You don't look like a monster. You just look like someone who needs a friend. Besides, I'm the real monster here." I said.

He looked at my wings and tails, finally noticing them. "You're not a monster." He said as he traced his fingers along my tails. I smirked. "Yeah, right. I can't go outside my castle without being called a monster." I said.

I lied down on my back and gazed at the stars as I locked my fingers behind my head. "But why should I care? I should be used to it by now, right? So, why do I always feel sad when someone calls me that?" I asked myself.

"I've lost friends because of these things, you know. Have you ever lost someone dear to you?" I asked. "Yes, I lost my mother during birth." He said. I sat up and stared at him with sad eyes. I knew I was going to cry so I hugged him.

I felt him tense up. "I'm sorry you lost her." I said. My head rested against his chest as I hugged him. "Don't be." He said, quietly. I looked at him and smiled. "And through all this talking, I haven't even introduced myself. My name is Nue. Nue Houjuu Satori." I said, smiling.

"My name is Gaara of the Desert." He introduced, staring at me without any emotion. "You should get some rest, Gaara." I said. "I don't sleep." He stated.

"Not at all?"

He shook his head.

"But won't you be weakened or tired when you're fighting or in the middle of a mission?" I asked. 

"It doesn't bother me, so it's no big deal."

"But it is a big deal! If you don't rest, you'll be weak and you could get hurt!"

Gaara looked at me, staring at me emotionlessly. I blushed when I realized how close I was to him. I was practically in his face while on my hands and knees. I laughed nervously. "Sorry, I guess I kind of got in your personal space." I apologized, giving him his space.

"I don't mind." He said, calmly. "Please, Gaara. Sleep. I want you to be healthy." I said. "You worry about someone you just met?" He asked. "Of course. I care about everyone." I said. Gaara stared at me for a moment before saying, "You're different."

"You sound like Sasuke." I mumbled. A small blush formed on my face when Gaara gently petted my head. I looked at him and noticed a ghost smile on his face. "I'll see you later... Nue Houjuu Satori." Gaara said before he disappeared with sand surrounding him.

I gave a small giggle. "He's cute." I said, out loud. Whoa, did I just say that? Eh, it's not like anyone was around to hear it. 'But did I just make a friend?' I thought, confused. I shrugged it off and saw the sun coming up.

I quickly did my morning routine and put on an open-back, black t-shirt with blue jeans. I put on my bat necklace and quietly wrapped Kiyoshi around my waist as he was still asleep. I went into Okaa-san's bedroom and kissed her forehead.

I did the same thing to Maria and Iri, being careful not to wake them up. I grabbed my black hooded cloak and left the house. I stopped by the bridge and waited for my team. A while later, my team arrived and Kakashi-sensei was actually on time for once.

He gave us our application for the Chunin Exams. I wasn't really in the cheering mood since I was so sleepy. But I hope I get to see Kiba and Shikamaru during the exams. I decided do some training, so I went to the woods.

I began punching and kicking a tree. Each punch and kick reminded me of Haku and Zabuza. I began to hit the tree harder. I gritted my teeth as I thought of Gato and his men, how he kicked Haku's corpse and his men stabbed my uncle with spears. 

I let out an angry cry and punched the tree so hard, it fell down on its side. I was panting. "Kid, are you all right?" I heard Kiyoshi ask. I looked down at him. "So, you're finally awake." I said. "I've been awake for sssome time now." He stated.

I smiled at him and petted his head. When I saw a kunai knife being lunged at me, I did a backflip, landing on a tree branch. I looked around until I saw a rain ninja appear out of nowhere.

Kiyoshi's POV

"I really don't want to do this today." Nue said out of boredom before yawning. The ninja laughed and charged at her with a kunai knife in his hand. She jumped down and made her kunai knife clash with his.

She punched him in the face and he skidded back. "Way to go, kid!" I cheered. "Agh!" Nue cried out as she grabbed her head. "Nue, what'ssss wrong?" I asked, panicked. She didn't answer me. "Why is this happening again? My head... it hurts." She grunted.

Nue fell to her knees and shut her eyes while holding her head. "It hurts!" She screamed out. She stopped screaming as her hands fell to her side while her head hung there. After a few seconds of just sitting there, Nue lifted her head and looked at the rain ninja emotionlessly.

She stood up as if nothing happened to her. "Nue?" I asked. I looked at her, then hissed. Her eyes are glowing purple. That's not a good sign. "Show me what you got, girl!" The rain ninja yelled at her. Nue narrowed her eyes at him before running towards him with lightning speed.

She stabbed him in the stomach and he fell to the ground. Nue stood over him, then sat on his stomach. I watched as she summoned her trident and began to stab the rain ninja repeatedly. Blood began to splatter everywhere as it got on her clothes, her face, and her hair.

Some blood got me, too, but I was too focused on Nue to care. She stopped after a few more stabs and stared at his corpse. "Hahaha! You think it was that easy? It won't be easy in the Chunin Exams!" He called from behind.

Nue got off the body, turned around, and stared at the rain ninja emotionlessly. We watched as he ran off. I looked up at Nue. "Nue?" She didn't answer me. She looked back at the fake corpse and stared at it. I slithered to the top of her head and rested myself there.

"Hey, can you hear me?" I said as I looked down at her. Nue didn't respond. She looked down at her hands and lowered her face to them. My widened as I watched her begin to lick the blood off her hands. Why is she doing that?

"Hey, Nue." I called to her. She stopped licking her hands and looked up, staring straight ahead. Her purple eyes faded to her original, red color before blinking a few times. "Are you all right, kid?" I asked her. I gasped when Nue fell to her knees.

She began to sway a bit until she fell to the ground, lying on her side. "Nue! Nue! Hey, anssswer me!" I shouted. "Nue!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hey, my insane children. Don't worry, the story has just begun. Mwuhahahah! >:D Tell me what you think. Vote and Comment. Until next time! Sayonara!!

Kureiji out~

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