Chapter 47: A Newfound Ability

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(Picture of Aiko above; She's the girl who took Nue's eyesight)

"What do you mean the Houjuu Clan didn't exist? If my clan doesn't exist, then why do I exist?" I asked. "Calm down. Let me explain. The reason why the Houjuu Clan didn't exist is because no one knew they were alive and the clan kept it that way." Yin Yang said.

"Kept it that way? How come?" I asked, confused. "The clan wanted to keep a low profile. They knew if they were to reveal themselves to the humans, they assumed the humans would come kill them. Whenever a member of the Houjuu Clan wanted to step outside of the clan to get something, they had to wear cloaks in order to hide their identities." He continued.

I placed my hand on the cloak I was wearing. "Yin Yang, where is the Houjuu Clan?" I demanded.

"Why do you ask? You're not thinking about going there, are you?"

"No. I mean, even if I was planning to go there, I don't think I'd go far, seeing how I can't see."

"Well, it's good to know you're thinking clearly. But anyway, I'll tell you tomorrow. It's late."

"Really? It's gotten that late?"

"Yes. Anyway, rest."

"Okay. Thanks, Yin Yang."

I felt him hop off the bed and I laid my head on the pillow. I was asleep for a few hours until I heard someone's voice. "I'm coming in." I sat up alarmed. "Who's there?" I demanded as I quickly sat up. "It's me. Your bad twin." I knew she was smirking.

"Oh," I laid back down, pulling the blanket over me. "I haven't heard from you in a while. Why have you been so quiet?" I asked. "Because I wanted to see how stupid you've become. It looks like you can't get anything done without me." She boasted.

I frowned slightly. "You know, you're becoming a real pain in the ass." I said. "That's my job, smartass." She replied. I sighed and laid on my back like I was staring at the ceiling. Not like I could since I'm blind. "Not going back to sleep?" My twin asked.

"I can't sleep." I stated. "I see. So, tell me. When will you let me take control?" She asked. "How about never?" I said. "You can't keep resisting me. You will have to let me take control sooner or later." She said, getting a tad angry.

"Didn't you say that already?"

"Yeah, I did. I wanted to say it again so you know I'm not playing around."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

I turned on my side as I waited for morning to arrive.

I stayed up the whole night and heard someone come in. "Hey, Nue! It's Iri and Maria!" I heard Iri announce. I sat up. "Hey, guys." I greeted. "How are you feeling?" She asked. I just shrugged my shoulders. "Did you sleep well, Nue-sama?" Maria asked. "I didn't sleep." I stated.

"You didn't?" Iri asked, and I shook my head. "How come? Did you have a nightmare?" She asked. "No, no nightmare. I just couldn't sleep." I said. I heard the door open. "Nue, this is your nurse. I'm here to take your vitals." She said.

"We'll leave you to it. We'll be back to check on you later. Kay, Nue?" Iri said. I nodded my head and I heard them leave. The nurse took my blood pressure, then my temperature. "Are you feeling any pain anywhere?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Have you been having any headaches?" She asked. "No." I answered. I heard her writing something down. "Okay. Thank you for your cooperation. Get better soon." She said. "Thank you." I said. Once she left, I sighed and laid back on my pillow.

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