Chapter 10: First Day at the Academy and New Friends!

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I woke up and found myself in my apartment. 'Oh, so it wasn't a dream' I thought, sadly. I turned my head and saw Kiyoshi sleeping soundly on one of my pillows. I smiled at him and climbed out of bed.

I made my way to the bathroom and began to take a hot shower. After I brushed my teeth and washed my face, I went over to my drawer and got dressed in a black, open-back t-shirt and black jeans. I went over to Kiyoshi and saw him still asleep.

I looked up at my clock and saw it was 8:00. I sweat dropped. Was he really that tired last night? I went over to him. "Kiyoshi, get up." I said as I nudged him slightly. He made no movement. I poked his head and that got him up.

He blinked his eyes before giving a slight yawn. "Morning, sleepyhead." I said, smiling. He stared at me with a blank expression before putting his head back down on the pillow, going back to sleep.

"Come on, Kiyoshi. Don't go back to sleep. If we don't hurry soon, we'll be late for the academy." I told him. Only problem is, I don't know where it is. I guess I could ask Hokage-sama from some help.

"Kiyoshi, do you want some breakfast?" I asked. He opened one of his eyes and looked at me. "Come on." I said, heading into the kitchen. Kiyoshi slithered off the bed and followed me. Okay, so the pills I'm taking are, for some reason, not doing their job.

So, last night, I decided to do some food shopping. The only time I did went to sleep was when I took at least four pills. Yep, that did the trick. I gave Kiyoshi some lettuce and I made myself some cereal.

After we got finished eating, I put on my black, hooded cloak and wrapped Kiyoshi around my arm. "Ready to go?" I asked him. He hissed in response, saying yes. I went out the door and towards the Hokage House. I knocked on his door and heard a low, "Come in".

I opened the door and walked towards Hokage-sama. "Good morning, Hokage-sama." I greeted. He looked up from his papers and smiled at me. "Good morning, Nue." He said back. I walked over to his desk. "Is there something I can help you with?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. I need help finding the academy. I'm a little lost." I admitted.  He chuckled, making me blush in embarrassment. "I'll have Iruka come in and take you to the academy. He'll also be your teacher there." Hokage-sama explained.

I nodded my head, saying I understood. He called in this Iruka person and he appeared within two minutes. "Yes, Lord Hokage?" He said. "This is Nue Houjuu Satori. She's new to the village and she'll be attending your class." Hokage-sama explained to him.

Iruka looked at me. "I'll have to confirm it with her parents." Iruka said. "Um, yeah. About that..." I said, trailing off. "This is Luna Satori's daughter." Hokage-sama said. Iruka's eyes went into shock for a moment. "She's related?" he asked.

"I'm actually adopted." I corrected him as I scratched the back of my head sheepishly. Hokage-sama chuckled before petting my head. "Welcome to the Leaf, Nue. I'm Iruka Umino and I'll be your teacher." Iruka introduced.

"Yes, sir, Iruka-sensei." I said, bowing my head slightly. I waved goodbye to Hokage-sama, then walked out of the Hokage House with Iruka-sensei. After a few minutes of walking, we were at the academy. Iruka-sensei led me into a room filled with kids my age.

Well, some were a little older than me. "Alright, class. Settle down." Iruka-sensei said to the class. Everyone in the class stopped what they were doing and looked at him. I felt uncomfortable since their eyes were staring at us. "Who's the girl?" A random boy asked.

"This is Nue Houjuu Satori. She'll be attending this class just like all of you. So, I would like all of you to try and get along with her, okay?" Iruka said to the class. "Hai." The class chorused. I shyly looked at the ground.

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