Girls will be Girls

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We pulled up to the road where the races would be held. Everyone was talking and laughing and having a good time. My best friend Sapphire came up to me and gave me a fist bump.
     "Hey, girl!" I greeted. She smiled at me. She race a purple 69' Camaro and was working her way up the list. Fast. She got the nickname Princess. I still haven't got mine yet, I'm just Dani Shearer. Sapphire has always had my back through the many fights that I have been in. And it's been a LOT. Azn came up and hugged her from behind. She giggled at him and kissed his cheek.
     "Y'all are too cute!" I said.
     "Dave's been sneakin a couple of looks at you, girl!" Azn said. My cheeks went red.
     "I doubt it." I said. Sapphire smirked.
     "He's looking now! Call him over." Sapphire said. I looked over and caught Dave looking.
     "You gonna come over here or what?" I asked. He smile and came over, giving me a side hug. He was bundled up in his hoodie.
     "He's so tall you won't even have to get on your knees, Dani!" Sapphire joked and my eyes went wide and Dave just laughed.
     "I can't take you anywhere!" I said.
     "Girls will be girls!" Sapphire replied.
     "I heard Doc called Chuck out and if he wins he's gonna call you out next." Dave said.
     "He doesn't have nothing for the Heartbreaker." I said, cocky. I was actually nervous because I haven't tested the Heartbreaker and something in the engine messed up during my race with Dave, but it didn't sound bad. Until I replayed it in my head.
     "You need my hoodie? You're shivering a little bit." Dave asked. I have a thin jacket in because I didn't think id get this damn cold.
     "Nah, I'll wear my fire suit when I get it on." I replied, smiling at Dave and taking in his scent.
     "Well okay. I'm gonna go get the Sonoma ready so I can race your brother." Dave said, tightening the hug before leaving.
       "What's on your mind, Dandilion." Sapphire said. She always liked to call me Dandilion.
     "I'm stupid."
     "You ain't stupid for liking Dave, he's a cutie." She said.
     "No, that's not it." I said.
     "Thennnnn what the hell is it?" She said.
     "I raced him a few days ago and something rattled in the engine and I never checked it. I'll probably drop a couple spots tonight if Doc beats chuck." I said.
     "Well that means Chuck will be in front of shawn so If he calls him out and wins he probably won't call you out since your car is hurt, so you'll probably drop just one spot." Sapphire said. I smiled.
      "Hopefully. Now let's go see this race between Doc and Chuck."

What's y'all's predictions? And the lovely Sapphire is the character of my new friend kayle910 who is pretty darn amazing! Thanks for requesting and deciding to be apart of this book! I love ya girly!😘

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