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It was a long trip, but never a dull moment. I left Goliath with Sapphire. We made it to the Arlington Hotel and got our room. I set my stuff on the bed and when I turned to walk out I looked at Dave who winked at me.
"Come on, goof, we are going to the alligator farm!" I said, running to his truck. He groaned as he followed.
"You're gonna torture me aren't you?" He asked.
"You know it, babe." I said. He put his hand on my thigh as he drove. We made it to the farm and Dave held my hand as we walked in. The guy asked if I wanted to get my picture with a ban alligator.
"Uhhh." Dave said, unsure if he wanted me to or not.
"Hell. Yeah." I said. He handed it to me and it's mouth wasn't taped.
"Shouldn't that be taped?" Dave asked.
"Dave." I said, looking at him.
"What?" He asked.
"Shut the hell up and get in the photo with me!" I whined. He grabbed the gators mouth and stood behind me and we smiled. We paid five bucks for the picture and we walked around. We saw huge ass alligators and guess who got to feed them? That's right, ya girl, Dani did! It was getting dark and Dave dragged me to a carriage that had a black horse with it.
"Wanna ride?" The man asked. We nodded and got on. It was beautiful at night here. The horse knew to back up and when to stop and wait for cars. The man told us about how him and his dad have thirty horses. I smiled at all the lights and laid my head on Dave's shoulder and we tangled our fingers together.
"This is beautiful." I said. We made it back to the hotel and I was tired. I got my pajamas on and covered up. When Dave got done with his shower he joined me. As I was just beginning to close my eyes Dave kissed me.
"You ain't gonna let me sleep are you?" I asked.
"No ma'am, this is our honeymoon." He said. I giggled and kissed him back.

Double update just for y'all! I love y'all and hope y'all like it!😘😘

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