New Car

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I was at the shop with Shawn, Justin, Sapphire, and Azn. Azn kept landing playful kisses all over Sapphire's face and she giggled every time.
"Where's Dave?" Justin asked.
"Not here." I said, tossing a bottle of oil to Shawn.
"No shit, seriously, where's he at?" Justin said. I heard a truck door and I looked outside.
"Right there." I said. Dave had his trailer hooked to his truck.
"What? You didn't miss me? No hug, no kiss." Dave said.
"She's in a mood today." Justin said. Popping me with a towel.
"Ohhhh." Dave said. "Well here, let me do it for you." He added before running to me and picking me up, spinning me around and kissing me. I laughed as he sat me down.
"Holy hell, she knows how to smile!" Sapphire said.
"Funny!" I said.
"I have a surprise for you!" Dave said.
"Travis Pastrana?" I asked. Dave squinted his eyes at me.
"What's does this Pastrana guy have that I don't?" He said.
"Curly hair." I answered, giving him a goofy smile. I called Goliath to come with us as we all walked to the trailer.
"Close your eyes." Dave said.
"Last time I was told that Kye Kelley walked through a door. So help me God Travis Pastrana better come out of that trailer." I said. He laughed and let the door down. A black corvette stared at me.
"Ahh! Hensons gonna let you drive it?" I asked, jumping up and down.
"Yup." He said. I squealed and jumped on him.
"There's the excitement I was looking for!" Dave said. Sapphire jumped on Azn's back and made him carry her around.
"When do you plan on coming after the list?" Justin asked.
"Next race night." Dave said. I hugged him as we walked back to the shop.
     "Dani!" Azn said.
     "Yes, sir!" I replied.
     "Can you go get us some ice cream from sonic?" He asked. I groaned.
     "I suppose I can." I said. I already knew what everyone wanted. Azn wants anything, Sapphire wants a chocolate ice cream with m&ms, Justin wants a snickers blast, Shawn wants to be surprised, I want a hot fudge, and Dave wants a molten cake thing. I look at Dave.
     "Fine, I suppose I can be seen with you." He said, making everyone laugh.
     "Please, I make you look good." I replied. He called Goliath and we walked to my truck and the three of us piled in. I was driving and Dave kept messing with me. He would tickle me, poke my sides, grab my knee.
     "I suggest if you want ice cream and not death you should stop." I said, grabbing his hand. He chuckled and kissed my cheek and Goliath laid the front end of his body on the center console.
     "Jealous, much? She's mine, pal." Dave said. I ordered the ice cream and Dave begged and begged to get a vanilla cone for Goliath.
     "He will make a mess! And it's MY truck!" I said. Dave threw his head back and looked at me.
     "I'll clean it up! I mean, look at that face, how can you say no?" He said.
     "Like this," I said, I looked at Goliath, kissed his nose and said, "no." Dave put his hand over my mouth and leaned over me and spoke into the speaker.
     "We will also have a large vanilla ice cream cone." He said. I gave him a look and he just smiled innocently.

Dave is going back for the list! WHOOP! Sonic is a very heavenly place, I love it, especially that grilled cheese! Hope y'all liked this chapterrrrr😘😘

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