Another Party?

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I crutched into the shop with Sapphire and all the guys were talking.
     "What're y'all talkin bout?" I asked.
     "A party for you and Sapphire." Chuck said. Dave hit him in the back of the head.
     "Ooooo, I love parties!" Sapphire said.
     "Get glow sticks!" I said.
      "What makes you think you get to pick what's at the party?" Dave joked.
      "I have a vagina." I joked back.
     "And?" He said.
     "Vaginas make the rules!" Everyone laughed and Sapphire fist bumped me.
     "Guess what, babe?" Dave said.
     "Hmm?" I asked.
     "We fuck the rules." He said. Everyone laughed even louder.
     "Shots fired! Boom boom." I said and he pulled me into a side hug.
     "Not gonna lie, that was funny as hell, but I gotta side with ma bestie." Sapphire said.
     "Spike that vanilla milkshake with some rum!" I hollered.
     "Y'all chill here, we are gonna go shop for party stuff." Justin said.
     "Okay." Sapphire and I said in unison. Azn gave Sapphire a hug and kiss.
     "Love ya, Princess." He said. Dave kissed my head.
     "Don't get into any trouble." He said.
     "No promises." I replied. When they left Lizzie came in.
     "Hey, guys." She said. Sapphire and I flipped her off.
      "We are on a role with the twin shit." I said, laughing. I laid down on a creeper and just rolled around. When I stopped Lizzie out her foot on the creeper and kicked it, making me roll into the tool bench. I hopped up and grabbed a crutch. I hopped to her and swung as hard as I could, hitting her in the face.
     "Damn, you shoulda played softball." Sapphire said.
     "Eh, basketball let me get more anger out." I said.
     "That's why I never seen you throw a punch until you quit basketball." Sapphire said, laughing.
     "Bitch." Lizzie said.
     "Ouch." I said, putting my hand over my heart in sarcasm. Lizzie flipped her hair back and walked off.
     "I'm definitely not drinking tonight." I said.
     "I don't know about me yet." Sapphire said.
     "They better get those damn glow sticks." I said, Sapphire laughed. I saw this little black thing on the table. "What's this?" I asked. I picked it up and there was a button. I pushed it and sparks came at the end and it vibrated, causing me to drop it. Sapphire laughed at how scared I got. "Sweet baby Jesus!" I yelled.
     "It's my taser." Sapphire said.
     "How come you never told me about it?" I asked.
     "I knew you'd get curious if you saw it." She said.
     "Sometimes I wanna punch you in the throat." I said.
     "No you don't." She said.

That taser tho😂last chapter of the night, hope y'all enjoyed it and maybe giggled a bit, love y'all😘

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