Going Home

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I checked Dave out of the hospital and we walked out to my truck. Dave had a sling on his right arm. I got in the drivers seat and turned it on.
     "Ready for a cookout?" I asked.
     "Definitely, I need some real food." Dave said, holding onto the 'Oh shit' handle in my truck. Sapphire and Azn were at Justin's house grilling burgers and hot dogs.
     "Please don't kill us before we even get there." Dave said to my driving.
     "Who's the one that wrecked again?" I said.
     "You got me." Dave laughed. An orange ford pulled right in front of me causing me to slam on my breaks. Dave grunted as his seat belt out pressure on his arm. I honked the horn for a long time at the truck. I sped up and passed him, rolling my window down and flipping him off. I looked at Dave.
     "You okay?" I asked.
     "I'm fine, rage monster."  Dave said.
     "I bet Goliath misses you a bunch." I said.
     "I miss that little turd." Dave said. Goliath loves Dave and I both but when it comes to choosing between us he always goes to Dave.
      "I guess I shoulda brought him with me." I said, turning up the radio because "Just Like Fire" by Pink was playing. I began singing my heart out with it and Dave was laughing.
     "You're a goofball." Dave said.
     "I can't hear you over how awesome I am!" I said over the radio. I turned it down as I pulled up in the driveway.
     "Ready to get some food in your tummy?" I asked, shutting the truck off.
     "Hell yeah." Dave said.

How bout that 'Oh shit' handle😂 idk what else to call it, therefore it is the 'Oh shit' handle😂 I hope y'all liked it!!!!😘

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