Race Night

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     "I love y'all both, but you know I gotta go with my girl, right?" I said to Shawn as he got ready to race Sapphire. He laughed and put me in a headlock.
     "Yeah, yeah, yeah." He said. Dave walked over.
     "Don't break her." He said. Justin lined them up and I stood with Dave, clearly impatient. I was jumping up and down holding onto Dave's shoulder.
     "Excited much?" He said.
     "Shut up I'm trying to pay attention." I said.
     "You're that person that has to turn down the radio so you can see where you're driving." He said. Justin banged the light and they were off. Shawn spun the tires and Sapphire got way out in. When they got to the end I ran to Justin and took the radio.
     "Who won?! Azn who wonnnnnn!!!!" I yelled.
     "Princess by two!" He said. I threw the radio up and Justin dove to catch it.
     "Wooooo! That's my girl! That is a bad bitch right there!" I said as she drove past me. Dave was laughing.
     "You're crazy."
     "I know!" I said.
     "I'm gonna go over there with Chuck for a little bit." Dave said. I nodded and stood on my tippy toes so I could kiss his cheek before he left. He stood straight and I still couldn't reach.
     "Hey, you know the drill, get down here so I can reach your stupid face." I said, laughing.
     "You love my stupid face." He said getting lower so I could kiss his cheek.
     "I do." I said as he walked off. I went to Sapphire's trailer to see her. A pair of arms wrapped around my waist and some lips connected to my cheek. It wasn't Dave.
     "Kye don't touch me." I said pushing him back. Sapphire grabbed me and pulled me back, giving him a right hook.
     "You had your chance, you can't touch her anymore, Kelley." He looked at her and chuckled, pushing around her to get to me. I was about to bring his nose to my knee before Justin grabbed the back of his head and slammed it into Sapphire's trailer twice and then let him drop. Dave looked over from Chuck's trailer and came over to see what was happening.
     "What's Goin on?" He asked as Kye was standing up.
     "Dani here is playing hard to get." He said.
     "I ain't doing shit!" I said trying to go at him before Dave held me back.
     "Babe, calm down." He said.
     "Babe? You're with Comstock now?" Kye said. Dave turned around.
     "Yeah, because I know how to treat her." He said turning to face Kye.
     "Yeah, sure." He said, turning around to walk off. Dave looked at Sapphire and Sapphire nodded her head toward Kye. Dave grabbed Kye and turned him around and nailed him in the nose.
     "You better straighten up if you're gonna be around here." Dave said.
     "Well, guess I better get the other races started, you okay, sis?" Justin asked giving me a hug.
     "I'm fine, thanks." I said. He walked off to get Chuck and Doc lined up. Sapphire fist bumped Dave.
     "He finally got it!" She said.
     "You can do a lot of things with that sling." I said to him.
     "You're a little firecracker." He said to me, booping my nose.
     "Oh shut up." I heard everyone cheering and we all walked over to see who won. Chuck! Thank God! Now it was Lizzy and Kye.
     "Never thought I'd say it-" I started.
     "Yeah, I do too." Sapphire said. We actually wanted Lizzy to when. Justin lined the Shocker and the Mustang up. Banged the light. They both left together and then Kye blew a tire. I laughed.
     "Lizzy is the new number ten!" I shouted.

Got another chapter up! Dave's pretty talented in that sling😂how'd you like this chapter? 😘😘😘

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