The Night Before

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I was on the couch cuddled up to Dave. We were watching tv. I got my phone out to text Sapphire.
D: hey BÆ
S: sup Sunshine
D: what's your car look like
S: hell no! You can see it tomorrow
D: imma shoot you in the face with a paintball
S: anyway! Whatcha doin
D: watching tv with Dave.
S: oooo😉getcha some!
D: oh hush!
S: imma go to bed, don't wanna be tired when I whip yo ass tomorrow!
D: goodnight! You ain't whipping nobody's ass!😂
Dave chuckled.
     "Nosy!" I said. He had been reading my messages.
     "Couldn't help it." He said, kissing the top of my head.
     "Rules for tomorrow, whatever you do, don't shoot me." I giggled.
     "That was by accident." He said. I smiled and laid my head on his chest.
     "What're you gonna do about a new car?" I asked.
     "I'm gonna talk to Henson about his corvette sometimes next week." He said.
     "Just think, you could have your own car right now if I didn't make that bet." I said.
     "I'm glad you made that bet, we might not be here right now if you didn't." He said.
     "You wouldn't have destroyed the Sonoma." I said. "and almost get killed." I added, letting a tear slip. He took his thumb and wiped my tear.
     "Hey, it could've easily happened to you or anyone else. It could've happened to me in a totally different car. What we do is dangerous, we know that, and we still take the risk."
     "Because it's what we love." I said
     "And it's in our blood." He replied.

Just a filler before the derby! Very short, but it's something😂the derby will be up tomorrow! I hope y'all liked this little filler, even tho it's not my best😂

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