Demolition Derby

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     "Wake up, sunshine!" I heard Dave say. I was too comfortable so I pretended to still be asleep. I felt his body hover over mine. No, Dani, you will not smile, you will sleep. Do NOT smile. I smiled. "Mmhmm, I knew you were awake!" Dave said giving me a kiss. I sat up and stretched. Goliath jumped up on me, knocking me back down. I grunted.
     "It's too early for this!" I said. Dave came out of the bathroom with a toothbrush in his mouth and toothpaste peaking out.
     "Babe, it's ten o'clock." He said with his mouth full.
     "Boy, didn't you momma teach you not to talk with your mouth full! Go brush your teeth!" I joked.  I put on a pair of my Premiere jeans and I went through Dave's shirts because I wasn't about to get paint on my shirts. I found one of his Sonoma shirts and put it on. It was really long on me so I found a hair tie and tied it to my side.
     "Why are you wearing one of my shirts?" He asked.
     "Because I'm not getting paint on one of my shirts." I laughed. I dug around and four my Durango boots and slipped them on. I went to the bathroom to brush my hair and my teeth. We loaded up our junker car and drove over to Chuck's place. He has a little dirt area where we can have our derby. Sapphire and Azn was already there. When they weren't paying attention I tried to open their trailer to see their car. When I had it unlocked Sapphire tackled me.
     "Not yet!" She said. We both laughed.
     "Knowing y'all it's either a cop car or a Ghostbusters car." I said, getting up.
     "You already got my shirt dirty!" Dave said.
     "You should know you ain't getting it back." I laughed. We heard Chuck talking and found him in a wig.
     "There are no rules!" And then we all ran to our cars. I grabbed my gun and Dave grabbed him as we backed out and drove to the dirt. I put my helmet on and then Dave put his on, leaving the visor up. I saw Sapphire driving in a cop car.
     "I fucking knew it! I'm good! Azn always goes with a cop car." I said. I shot a paint ball and hit their car. Sapphire looked at me and shot one at me and hit my helmet. We all started driving and hitting each other and shooting.
     "Paintballs! Dammit!" Dave said flipping his visor down. He got shot in face and it made me laugh. My car was spinning and then Chuck hit the back corner of my car and spun it completely around and then I saw blue and red. Sapphire hit us head on.
      "Take that bitch!" Sapphire hollered and shot multiple paintballs at us. I was too busy laughing and trying not to get hit. When she stopped I started shooting at her and I got her helmet multiple times. I got the car turned around and kept hitting people. Justin and Shawn's car broke down so they were just sitting there. One of the tires of my car blew so it got harder to turn.
     "Holy hell! I thought it wouldn't be hard to drive with a blown tire!" I hollered to Dave who was just shooting.  Reaper came to the left and slammed us into Doc's car, making a sandwich. Our car shut off and wouldn't turn over. As we impacted with Doc's car Dave's hand flipped the gun to face me and it shot a paintball and hit the bottom of my helmet as I was taking it off.
     "you're not allowed to use those anymore." I said, laughing. I mainly focused on shooting Sapphire's car any chance I could. Thirty minutes later a winner emerged. Doc and Monza.
      "Out of all of us why did those jokers have to win?" I groaned. When they stood on the hood to celebrate I shot Doc in the leg with a paintball. We all walked back to Chuck's house to hang out. I looked at Dave and he had yellow on his cheek.
      "That's what you get for leaving the visor up you dumbnut." I giggled. He grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me into a hug as we were walking and rested his chin on my head.
      "Did you have fun?" He asked.
     "Oh my goodness, yes! I loved it, did you?" I asked, looking up at him.
     "I did have fun." He planted a kiss on my nose.

Paintballs sound like a fun and dangerous thing. Imma put that on my Christmas list😂hope y'all liked this chapter!😘😘😘

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