Chillin at the Shop

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I sat on the shop stool with my head leaned back just spinning. Goliath was sitting at the door watching outside. Sapphire kept throwing ice at me.
     "Y'all look bored." Shawn said.
     "We are tired." Sapphire said. "And my hand hurts." She added. It was bruised from the punch she gave Lizzy.
     "From the fight?" Justin asked.
     "Yup." I said, still spinning.
     "Whyd y'all get into a fight with Lizzy?" He asked.
     "Cuz she's a bitch. And was messing with my car." I said.
     "Just give her a chance." I stopped spinning and Sapphire and I looked at Justin.
     "Uhhh, hell to the no!" Sapphire said.
     "She won't be no friend of mine!" I snapped.
     "You need more female friends, you only got one." Justin said.
     "That's not true, she's got Chuck." Dave said as he walked into the shop.
     "Funny." Chuck said.
     "You do go shopping with me and Sapphire." I said.
     "Yeah, cuz y'all are my girls and I don't want y'all going around town lookin like tramps. I gotta help y'all with fashion." Chuck joked.
     "Knock knock!" A sing songy voice said.
     "I know damn well you didn't invite her over." Sapphire said to Justin.
     "Maybe." He said. Goliath started growling and barking at her. Dave came over and leaned on me.
     "Goliath! Here, boy." Dave said. Goliath came over and laid at my feet.
     "Bitch alert!" Sapphire said, making me laugh.
     "I heard that." Lizzy said.
     "Well, I mean, kinda the point." Sapphire said. Lizzy sat on and stool and hung out with Justin.
     "I'm getting hungry." Chuck said.
     "When aren't you." Dave said.
     "I am, too, will you go get us some foooooooood." I said to Dave. He looked at me and I wrapped my legs around and him pulled him closer. I knew he'd say no at first. "Please." I begged.
     "Fine, what do you want." He said.
     "Sonic!" Sapphire and I said in unison.
     "Grilled cheeses?" He asked.
     "And ice cream! Surprise us." Sapphire said.
     "Don't surprise me, I want a hot fudge." I said.
      "Can I go with you?" Lizzy asked. I stood up and sat her back down.
     "No you can not." I said.
     "I wasn't asking you." She snapped.
     "No, but you were asking my boyfriend." I said. She stood back up and got in my face. It sucked that she was taller than me.
     "Girls!" Justin yelled.
     "I suggest you shut the fuck up, sit the fuck down, and don't anger me or Sapphire." I said. She sat down.
     "I can guarantee you that you will leave in an ambulance next time." Sapphire said. I gave her a fist bump before giving Dave a bye kiss as he left for Sonic.

Y'all like this filler chapter? Race night is gonna get a little intense next chapter. 😘😘

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