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All I heard was glass breaking and metal being destroyed, and maybe a few bones cracking before I slipped into complete darkness. It was peaceful.

A strange smell entered my nose. It wasn't meant to smell bad, but it wasn't comforting.
It was very cold and I kinda shivered. At least I think I did.
I felt blankets around me and weird tubes.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
My eyes fluttered open and all I saw was white and lights. I tried to sit up but It felt awkward. 
     "Dani!" A man said. He had short brown hair and some facial hair. Very tall.
     "Who are you?" He stopped dead in his tracks and teared up.
      "I-I'm Dave, Dani?" He said. More strangers stood up. Another tall one with a tattoo on his leg. A heavier guy with no hair. A big guy with a black hat on backwards who was crying.
     "Sapphire? Where's Sapphire?" I asked trying to sit up. I swung my legs over and saw there was a cast on my left leg. I saw crutches and I ripped the tubes and stuff off of me.
     "What are you doing?" The man with the backwards black hat said. I grabbed the crutches and started going for the door. The tall man who called himself Dave grabbed me and I hit him with a crutch.
     "Don't you dare touch me!" I snapped. He looked hurt. A nurse came in.
     "What's going on?" She asked.
     "Where's Sapphire?!" I barked. She pointed to the next room over and I crutches over to it and opened it. I saw an Asian boy in there.
     "Dani!" He said.
     "Who the hell are you?" I asked. I saw Sapphire awake in her bed.
     "Dani! Oh my God!" She said, crying and bringing her hand to her mouth. I got to her and hugged her.
     "What's wrong?" I asked, thinking she was hurting somewhere.
     "I thought you were dead." She whispered.
     "Why are there strangers everywhere?" I asked.
     "Dani! We aren't strangers! I'm your brother, Justin." The man with the black hat said with his voice cracking.
     "I'm sure I would remember if I had a brother." I said.
      "This is your boyfriend." The bald guy said, pointing to the taller guy. I shook my head.
     "I think I would know if I had a boyfriend, too."
     "Sapphire, this is your boyfriend!" The guy with the leg tattoo said pointing to the Asian guy. She looked sad as she shook her head.
     "I don't know who any of y'all are." She said, grabbing onto my hand.

My brain couldn't ever come up with something like this, my good, tall😂 friend helped me with this idea kayle910 ! Thanks for helping me with this idea! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Love y'all!😘😘

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