Dealing with Dani

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I groaned as I sat up.
"Gotta deal with hungover Dani." Dave said.
"At least you don't have to deal with hungover Sapphire like Azn does." I said, getting up. I limped from my leg hurting. "Ya know, when I was drunk my leg wasn't giving me a problem." I said. I made a turn and ran into the wall by accident. I groaned loudly. Dave put his arms around me and guided me to the couch and gave me some ibuprofen.
"What would you like for breakfast?" Dave asked.
"Waffle House." I said.
"Chocolate chip pancakes?" He asked and I nodded. He kissed my forehead and walked out the door. Goliath jumped on the couch with me and laid on me.
"Ughhhhhhh." I groaned, laying down. My head ache was pounding and I felt like death. Dave opened the door with two to go boxes with our food. He set them down and came to me.
     "Wanna get some food in that belly?" He said, poking my stomach. I grabbed his hand.
      "Don't do that." I said, he pulled me up where I was facing him. I looked up and smiled.
      "You're short." He said. I slowly blinked.
     "Yes, I know." I said, he chuckled and kissed me before going to the kitchen table to eat.
      "When you're done do you wanna go to your favorite place to see your favorite person?" Dave said.
     "Travis Pastrana?" I said.
     "Sapphire! Your favorite person is Sapphire!" Dave laughed. I giggled before coughing.
     "Don't make me laugh." I said. I slowly got dressed when I finished eating and got in Dave's truck. We pulled up to Midwest and I got out. When we walked in Sapphire was laid out on a creeper. I got a creeper and joined her.
     "Hey, buddy!" She said, fist bumping me. I smiled.
     "How ya feelin?" I asked.
     "Shitty." She replied.
     "Dave." I called.
     "Yes ma'am." He said.
     "Will you and Azn go get us some ice cream. I want a-"
     "I know, chocolate vanilla swirl." Dave interrupted.
     "Mmhmmm." I mumbled. Azn bent down and gave Sapphire a bye kiss.
    "I love you, Dani." Dave said, giving me a kiss.
     "I love you, too." I replied.
     "What the hell are y'all doing?" Justin asked.
     "Dying." Sapphire and I said. He laughed.
     "So now I gotta babysit?" Justin said.
     "The boys are getting us ice cream." I told him.
     "Or they took that as their chance to run away until y'all feel better." Justin said.
     "Where's shawn?" I asked.
     "He's somewhere around here." Justin answered, sitting on a stool.
     "Justin." I said.
     "Yes, sis?" He replied.
     "Don't ever let us drink again."

Just a random chapter down😂 if there's something you'd like to suggest or see just let me know! Love y'all😘😘

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