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A few days of being home and I was already sick! I was throwing my guts up!
      "Hey, you okay, baby?" Dave asked as he was holding my hair back. I fell back and leaned my back against the wall.
     "I'll be fine, you go ahead and go to the shop, I'll call Sapphire over." I said. Dave helped me and leaned in for a kiss. I leaned away.
     "What?" He asked.
     "I'm sick!" I looked at him like he was crazy.
      "Okay? Why can't I kiss you?" He replied.
     "I don't know if I'm contagious or not!" I said. Dave leaned in quick and kissed me anyway. "Ugh, now we are both gonna be sick!" I called after him.
     "I love you!" He yelled.
     "Love you too!" I called after him, hearing a door close. I groaned and rolled back over the toilet and threw up again. A few minutes later Sapphire showed up with a bag.
      "Hey, baby girl!" She greeted.
     "What the hell is in the bag?" I asked, worried.
      "I know what goes on when people go on a honeymoon." She pulled a out a pregnancy test and waved it around.
       "You think?" I asked. She nodded with a smile and tossed the test to me. I went to the bathroom and did my thing and sat it on the counter and let Sapphire in to wait with me. "It's taking forever!" I hollered in frustration.
     "Look!" Sapphire pointed at the test. My eyes widened. "I'm gonna be an aunt!" She cheered. Sapphire and I walked into the living room and sat down to talk about letting everyone know.
     "I'm gonna tell Dave when he gets home and I wanna do something cool to announce it to everyone." I said.
      "Yes! Like have one of those little kid cars from walmart and put it between the Heartbreaker and Plan B with the due date on the license plate!" Sapphire suggested.
      "Yeah! Let's do that!" I cheered before getting up to go puke again. Sapphire left when Dave got home.
      "How're you feelin?" He asked.
     "Come here!" I said, running to the bathroom.
       "Why running of all things!" Dave yelled. I showed him the test and he stopped in his tracks and looked shock. I was giving a nervous smile and felt sweat forming.
      "I-I'm gonna be a dad?" He asked, meeting my eyes. I nodded. He smiled and picked me up in a hug and spun around. When he set me down he started kissing me. "I'm gonna be a dad!" He hollered excitedly.

Annnnnd that wraps up this book! The pic in the media is the cover for the sequel! gturner225 made it! I love it so much! Thanks for all the votes and comments on this book! I love y'all so much!😘😘

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