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Sapphire and I walked so I could hear who won the race. Doc by two. I groaned and Sapphire rubbed my back.
"You're gonna kick his ass." She said, she helped me get the Heartbreaker set up. I got my fire suit on and drove to the starting line. I put my helmet on and Justin lined us up. I watched for the light to turn on. Bang! I let off my brake and just drove like a bat outta hell. I wasn't paying attention much, I just kept my eye on the finish line, and just like that, I won. By a fender. I got back to my trailer and Sapphire was by my side jumping on me.
"That's my girl right there! Kickin ass and takin names!" She hollered causin me to laugh. Dave came up behind me and hugged me.
     "You did awesome!" He said.
     "Why thank ya." I giggled.
     "Are you gonna cheer me on?" He asked. Sapphire was wiggling her eyebrows at me.
     "You and my brother, heck yeah!" I said.
     "Our race is next, gotta get goin." I hugged him and let him go. I watched the Sonoma pull up next to the Crow. Azn was lining them up and then banged the light. Dave and Justin were right by each other the whole time. Justin barely beat Dave. The Crow is a beast. I met Dave who was taking his helmet off.
     "You Shearers are tough to beat." He said. I smiled.
     "He learned from me." I joked.
     "I don't doubt it." Dave said.

Whooooo how'd y'all like that one? Good? Bad? Eh?😂thanks for reading and commenting! I love it

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