Girls Day Out

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We pulled up to the mall.
"Why the mall?" I asked. I hated escalators and large groups of people that I didn't know.
"Getting us stuff." Sapphire answered. We got out and walked inside. People. Everywhere. Staring at my leg.
"Take a picture! It'll last longer!" Sapphire snapped at everyone.
"We're gonna get kicked out." I said.
"Wouldn't be the first time we got kicked outta somewhere." We hit up the food court and sat down. Sapphire went up to order and some guy came up to me.
"Hey, sexy. Need a date?" He asked.
"No." I simply said. He sat down anyway.
"I won't bite." He smiled.
"Hey, babe! Who's this?" Sapphire said, standing next to me. I have her a weird look and she gave me one back that said 'follow my lead'
"My names Josh." He said. Sapphire kissed my cheek and sat down. His eyes got wide.
"I think my friends are calling me." He got up and left.
"That was easy." Sapphire said.
"Dave would be jealous." I said.
"He probably woulda beat the guy." Sapphire said. I laughed.
"I'm just glad we didn't have to actually kiss." I said. She comes up with the weirdest ways to get guys away. It can never be simple. I drank my milkshake.
     "How're you and Azn?" I asked.
     "Great! He's so goofy, I love it!" Sapphire said. "Never a dull moment."
     "Y'all are perfect." I smiled.
     "You and Dave?" Sapphire said.
     "He's amazing," I said, smiling to myself. "It's funny how it all started with a bet!" I said, recalling the memory.
     "Y'all are adorable, it's cute watching you try and give him a kiss and you can't reach him." Sapphire said.
     "Short girl struggles, he finds it hilarious when I can't reach something." I said.
     "You gonna be able to race with your leg?" Sapphire asked, eating a fry.
     "Hell yeah! I got a left leg." I giggled. "You gonna call Doc out?" I asked.
     "You know it! He's going down. You gonna call Justin out?" Sapphire replied.
     "I think Chuck is calling me out." I said.
     "I know Kye is calling Lizzy out again." Sapphire said.
     "Wanna go watch a movie?" I asked.
     "Let's do it!"

What what! Double update! Go madison! If you wanna suggest anything you wanna see just let me know! 😘😘😘

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