Plan B

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I felt Dave get out of the bed and when I stretched out I was in pain. I grunted and Dave turned around.
     "Did I hurt you? Are you okay?" He asked, getting right back to my side.
     "I stretched and it hurt my leg, I'm okay." I got out of the bed and it hurt to put weight on my right leg.
      "Want me to carry you?" Dave asked. I shook my head.
      "No, thank you." I made it to the living room and Goliath jumped on me, knocking me down.
     "Goliath!" Dave yelled, grabbing Goliath and pulling him off me.
     "He's okay." Dave sat on the couch beside me. He smiled wide and looked at me.
     "Wanna go see the Plan B since they got the motor in?" He asked. I smiled back.
     "Yes!" I went back to the bedroom and got some basketball shorts and a t shirt on. I had to have help with my shorts because I couldn't bend my right leg.
     "I'm sorry." I said. Dave furrowed his eyebrows.
     "For what?" He asked.
     "For you having to take care of me like I'm a child." I said looking down. Dave put his hand on my chin and made me look at him.
      "I love nothing more than taking care of you Dani Marie Shearer." He said giving me a kiss after he finished his sentence. "Let's roll!" He said. We got to the shop and we walked in.
     "It's lookin good!" I said. I heard stomping and I saw my best friend running to me.
     "Dani!" She yelled, giving me a hug.
     "How're you feeling?" She asked.
     "I'm breathing." I said.
     "We got you some grilled cheeses!" Azn said handing me a sonic bag. I gave them a hug.
     "Thanks, guys." Dave and I walked to the corvette.
      "I think this thing has what it takes." I said. Dave pulled me into a side hug.
     "Hey you feelin, sis?" Justin asked.
     "Like Freddy Krueger." I said, laughing. I sat down and started eating.
       "Why are there four in here?" I asked.
     "Because we know how much you like grilled cheese." Sapphire said. I giggled. I held one to Dave.
     "Want one?" I asked. He smiled and took it.
     "Thank ya." He said.
     "Hey guys!" Lizzy sang. "I heard what happened, Dani, you okay?" She asked.
     "You don't care." I snapped.
      "You're right, I don't." She said.
     "Hey, dani, wanna go hang out today? Just me and you?" Sapphire asked.
     "What about me?" Dave asked.
     "Girls day out." Sapphire said.
     "Yeah, id love to!" I said. We got up to leave and I was walking out to see if Dave would get upset about me not giving him a goodbye kiss. Before I got to Sapphire's truck Dave grabbed me from behind and kissed me.
     "Thought you could get away with a kiss?" He asked.
     "Just seeing how long it would take." I said.
     "Love you sweet girl." He said.
     "Love you." I replied, getting in. When I got in Sapphire and I smiled at each other.
     "Ride or die!" We yelled.

Ha! Finally got an update! Don't know if I'll get one in tomorrow cause I got two requests for my ghost asylum preferences but I'll try my best! Hope you liked this chapter! Love yall!😘😘😘

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