Ride or Die

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"Dani! Wanna go somewhere?" Sapphire asked.
"Yeah!" I answered. I was bored at the shop.
"Where are you taking my girl?" Dave asked, wrapping his arms around me tightly.
"I don't know, just driving around." Sapphire asked.
"I want to go!" Dave said.
"No! I loved her first! Breasties before testes!" Sapphire said. Dave looked at me like he was a child arguing over a toy with another child.
"Hoes before bros." I said with my hands up.
"Chicks before dicks!" Sapphire said, we laughed and leaned into each other.
"Fine! Go." He said, pouting.
"Awww, come here." I said, putting my arms around his neck and giving him a kiss. "I love you." I said to him.
"I love you, too, and don't forget that." He said with a wink.
"I won't." I replied. We walked to Sapphire's truck.
"Where's Azn?" I asked.
"With Farmtruck doing God knows what."
"Can I drive?" I asked. Sapphire shot me a wide eyed look.
"Hell no! You're a rage monster!" She said. I laughed and got in. We blared the music and was singing our hearts out.
      "I love that we still get to have our girl days." I said.
     "Yeah, I thought our boys would get in our way." Sapphire said. We stopped and got sonic, of course!  Guys kept whistling at us and tried to get our numbers, which the ones we gave them were all fake numbers. Duh. We drove all over Oklahoma. We got to a corn field and I rolled my window up.
     "What's wrong?" Sapphire asked.
     "I don't feel like being murdered by corn worshipping children." I said, staring at the fields. Sapphire laughed and I looked at her.
     "Oh, you're serious?" She asked and I laughed. We were laughing together when I straightened up and braced myself.
     "Sapphire!" I yelled. She slammed on the brakes and we closed our eyes.

Until tomorrow my outlaws! I got get my short self to bed! I love my sleep! I love y'all and hope y'all enjoyed the chapter! 😘

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