New Orleans

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The New Orleans guys finally showed and the Lizzy chick joined too so she could watch.  I was talking to Dave, Sapphire, and Azn when I was hugged.
     "There's my girl!" Kye Kelley said.
     "Hey." I said. Dave kinda tensed, but calmed down when I scooted closer to him. Justin called for all the drivers to come in the drivers circle, it was the top 5 racers from both sides racing.
     "Alright tonight we got the baddest of the bad racing tonight! What call outs do we have?" Justin asked. Kye Kelley stepped forward.
     "I got the challenger." He said. I smirked.
     "She's gonna break your heart pretty boy." I said.
     "What's the bet?" Justin asked.
     "Thousand?" Kye asked. I nodded and stepped back while the others got their call outs.
     "Well you finally got your race with the Shocker." Sapphire said. I laughed. "Did you know the Goat is racing with New Orleans?" Sapphire said.
     "Nope." I said. Then we heard a bunch of yelling. I looked at the crowd of boys and saw Dave get shoved. Dave tried to lunge at the attacker when Chuck pulled him back and threw a right hook. I ran over to see if Dave was okay. I saw blood all over the Goat's face.
     "What the hell?" I asked him.
     "Alright! I'll race you!" He snapped at Dave. I looked at Dave who was just smiling at me. I followed him to his trailer. I raced 4th and he raced 5th. Sapphire was with Azn right now.
     "I can't leave you and Chuck alone for more than 5 minutes." I joked. Dave leaned against the hood of the Sonoma which was still in the trailer.
     "He was being a little bitch." Dave said making me laugh. Dave laughed too. He grabbed my hand and pulled me against him and I rested my head against his chest.
      "Hey." He said.
      "Hmm." I said, still having my head I his chest, taking in his scent.
     "Look at me." He said. I smiled and looked up. He leaned down an finally connected his lips with me. Our lips moved in perfect sync and I smiled into the kiss. He pulled back and looked at me.
     "I've been wantin to do that for forever." He said.
     "Took you long enough!" I said, giggling. Sapphire came in.
     "You're up!" She told me and then looked at me and Dave weird. "Did I miss something?"
     "I'm sure y'all will have a girl talk later tonight." Dave said. I laughed and walked out to get my car. I got in and Dave came over to the driver side.
     "Good luck." He said. I looked up and smiled.
     "Kye will need it." I said. Dave laughed and leaned in, giving me another kiss. I put my helmet on and drove to the starting line. We got lined up and took off at the light. Kye was in front of me just a little, but my car gave in some more and came around him at the last second, making me the winner. We got back to the others and I was tackled by Sapphire, my brother, and Dave.
     "You know you're a bad bitch!" Justin said, laughing.
     "Represent!" Sapphire said. Shawn and Chuck finally joined in the celebration. Kye Kelley came over to give me my money.
     "Guess that thing has the right name." He said, looking at my car. I patted the hood and took the money.
     "Damn straight." I said. We shook hands and I got ready to watch Dave and Richard (Goat) race.

I guess this is the last chapter for today! I hope y'all liked it! If you have any suggestions for a filler chapter please comment and I'll see what I can do! Thanks for reading!😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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