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I got out of the truck and I walked on the other side to see if Dave needed any help.
     "I'm okay." Dave giggled as he got to the ground. Goliath came running out and jumped up on Dave.
     "Hey, buddy!" He said, rubbing all  over Goliath.
     "Dave!" Azn said giving Dave a hug. Sapphire also came out to give him and me a hug.
     "How's the food?" I asked.
     "Azn almost burnt it! Good thing I was here." She answered. I laughed and Azn started wrestling with her.
     "Hey, sis." Justin said giving me a hug. I smiled and returned the hug.
     "Want a hot dog?" I asked Dave. He nodded and I made him one.
     "Ketchup or mustard?" I asked.
     "Ketchup." He answered. I brought it over to him and set it on the picnic table before making myself a hot dog.
     "We should go do something fun!" Sapphire said.
     "Liiiike?" I asked.
     "Demolition derby? With paintballs."  She suggested.
     "You been hanging with Chuck while we were gone, huh?" Dave asked.
     "Yes, sir." She said.
     "Great idea!" Justin said. "We can do it Thursday, give everyone enough time to get themselves a junker and to paint it however they want it." Justin said. I looked at Dave.
     "I'm driving!" I called.
     "Oh God, better get us a hospital room ready." Dave said. I gave him a look and he smiled at me.
     "Say, Dave? How does it feel to have a girlfriend that's more badass than you?" Justin asked.
     "I'm proud. Most guys have girlfriends that can't drive at all! Mine is number 2 on a list full of badass cars and drivers!" Dave said. I smiled feeling proud.
            ***After Cookout***
     "Hmmm, what about that one?" I said pointing at a beat up Mustang. Sapphire, Azn, Dave, and I were looking for our cars for the demolition derby.
     "I like it, I definitely won't feel back about wrecking it!" Dave said. We walked over and checked it out. It was in great condition for being beat up. We bought it and got it up on the trailer. We left Sapphire and Azn to find their own car because we wanted go ahead and prepare ours. We got to my house and unloaded the car. I grabbed a shovel.
     "Ready?" I said. Dave seemed confused. I brought the shovel back and swung it as hard as I could at the windshield, shattering.
      "Damn!" Dave said.
     "Wooooo!" I yelled, smashing the rest of the windows. "Okay, now for paint! Go to that wooden cabinet over there and open the big door." I told dave.
     "The one with the paint splatters all over it?" He asked.
     "Correct." I made my own paint cabinet and filled it with different types of paint because sometimes I get bored and like to randomly paint stuff.
     "What the hell? Are you a graffiti artist on the side?" Dave said as he saw all of the spray paints.
     "Hey! Pick out some colors and stop running your trap." I joked. He brought out all of the colors.
     "What number should we be?" Dave asked.
     "Five! I love five." He painted a big number five on both doors with the black paint. I began making random marks with different colors. I painted my name on the drivers door above the five and Dave painted his name on the passenger side above the five.
     "What about paintballs and the gun?" Dave asked.
     "You see that shed over there?" I pointed at a small shed that was on the side of my house. He nodded. "Go open it." I told him. It was filled with tons of paintball guns and paintballs and gear. Sapphire, Justin, and I always shit each other. Justin has a paintball shed too.
     "Remind me not to piss you off." Dave said. I laughed. I leaned against the car as he picked up one of the guns. He was turning it, trying to figure it out.
     "Is this thing loa-" he pulled the trigger and a paintball hit right next to me and made me jump. Dave's eyes were wide and his mouth was open.
     "Pretty sure it's loaded, babe." I said.

Dave and Dani shooting paintballs at people. Hmmm, id be more worried about Dave out there😂hope y'all enjoyed!!!

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