Sapphire and Dani

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I was in my office when Sapphire walked in. She had tears in her eyes. Out of all my 26 years of knowing her, she maybe cried three times. It was weird seeing her cry.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"My girl is getting married." She cried. Tears welled up as I hugged her. "If he messes up even one time you tell me, I'll straighten him up." She said. I giggled and hiccuped.
     "I will." I replied.
     "Y'all were meant for each other. I always knew it from those secret looks. Y'all were both so shy. Everyone else could see that y'all liked each other except y'all. Now here we are. Marriage. I'm gonna be an aunt soon, I hope!" Sapphire joked.
     "You act like we ain't ever gonna see each other. It'll still be the same! Dave and I will just be living together and married." I said.
     "Will we still have movie nights?" She asked, sitting on my desk.
     "Yes, girl. We will definitely have movie nights! I'll just kick Dave out for the night to go do somethin with Justin and the boys!" I laughed.
"You found your dream guy." Sapphire said, referring to that day when we were laying down staring at the clouds.
"I did, didn't i? He hasn't given up on me. Still dealing with me and all my shit." I joked.
"And your crazy ass best friend!" Sapphire added. I high fived her. I sat on my office chair. Dave walked in and Sapphire hugged him. "Davidddddd!" She yelled. Dave laughed and hugged her back.
      "Partay in my office!" I hollered, spinning in my chair.
     "When's the wedding?" Chuck asked, coming into my office.
     "At the end of this month." Dave asked.
     "You don't get to go dress shopping with us." Sapphire said.
     "Why not?" Dave asked.  
      "It's gonna be a surprise." I said. I want his mind blown when I walk down that checkered aisle.
      "Ugh, finnnnneeeee." Dave said, walking over to me and giving me a kiss.
     "My best friend scored good on this one!" Chuck said.

All nighterrrrrrrr! I'm staying the night with ma grandmotherrrrrrr. No sleep for the wicked! Jk, I'm an angel! Lol, anyways, I love y'all!😘😘

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