First Fight

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A/N: younger dayyyyyyyysssssss (sapphire and dani have graduated and are 20. Dave is also present!)

I walked into the garage to get my truck so Sapphire and I could go to Sonic. When we walked in I stopped dead in my tracks. It was egged, someone spray painted pink streaks on it. I opened the drivers side door and I saw the name Kye keyed on my seat covers.
      "Imma kill him." Sapphire for in the passenger seat and I drove to Kye's house. Sapphire tried to talk me out of it. As I pulled up in the driveway Sapphire grabbed my arm. "Hand." I said sternly. My truck was my baby, it was my first truck, the truck I learned to drive in.
     "Just leave it be. I'm pissed, too, but this won't get you anywhere." She said.
      "Let go of my arm!" I snapped. She let go and looked at me sadly. I went up to his house and barged in without knocking.
     "Hey, Dani!" Kye looked happy. I let a right hook fly and I connected with his nose and he brought his hand up to it. I grabbed him by his hair and dragged him outside and slammed him into my truck.
     "What the actual fuck, Kye?" I said. He laughed, blood covered his teeth.
     "Like you new paint job?" He asked. I lost it. I slammed his face onto the hood twice.
    "You're paying for the damage done. You're gonna by me a new paint job and some new camo seat covers." I said getting into the drivers side and going to sonic.
     "Hmm, I think you handled that well." Sapphire said. I laughed.
     "Yeah, he got off lucky." I said. When we got back to the house my hand was swollen. I walked in the kitchen and set the bag down.
      "Holy hell, what happened to your hand?" Justin asked.
     "Go look at my truck!" I said. Dave and Justin got up to go see. I went with them and their jaws were dropped.
     "Who did this?" Dave asked.
     "Guess." I said.
     "Kye kelley?" Justin asked.
     "Yup." I answered.
     "We paid him a visit." Sapphire said. "That's what happened to her hand. She's inherited my right hook." She joked.

Just a random chapter for my outlaws to enjoy😂hopefully! My dad has been looking for a truck to get me, but I am possibly getting his truck, idk😂anywayyyyyyyy I love yallllllll😘😘😘

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