The List

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I pulled up to the race and got out of my truck and found Dave.
     "So what's the plan." I said.
     "I'm gonna call out Boosted, win, then you're gonna call him out and you're just gonna follow me up until you're ready to call me out." Dave said. We walked over to Boosted who was talking to Lizzie. "I'm calling you out for number nine." He said.
     "Five hundred?" Boosted asked. Dave shook his hand. We walked back to his trailer.
     "Where's Sapphire?" Dave asked.
     "At the finish line with Azn." I answered.  I helped him unload the Plan B. It's hard to believe Dave and I have been together for almost a year. Through everything we been through. He stopped the car before he got ready to go to the starting line and looked at me.
     "Give me a kiss." He said. I smiled and bent down, giving him a kiss.
     "Be careful." I said. He smiled and out his helmet on. I watched at the corvette and the mustang got lined up. The light flashed and the cars were off. Boosted never had a chance. I ran to Justin to see how much Dave won by.
     "You could kick a field goal through that gap!" Azn called. Farmtruck and I leaned on each other as we laughed. Boosted came back but he never stopped. He kept on driving. I looked at justin.
     "Those dumbass new rules! He's playing hide and go seek now!" I snapped. Justin laughed. I ran and got in my truck and unhooked the trailer.
     "Where you going?" Dave asked.
     "Boosted ran! It's those new rules Justin added!" I said. Dave giggled and I peeled out to go find Boosted. A few minutes later I saw a yellow mustang. "I got you now you son of a bitch!" I said to myself. A red light caught me. "Dammit to hell!" I yelled, hitting my steering wheel. My phone started ringing. "What?" I snapped.
     "Boosted is back and hiding in a shed." Dave said. I hung up and raced back. Dave pointed to the shed and I ran to it. The door was locked. I banged on it as hard as I could.
     "I'm calling you out, Boosted!" I said. He opened the door.
     "Fine." Be said.
     "Don't be a pussy." I said, walking off. I got in the Heartbreaker and she roared to life.
     "Don't let your anger get ya know, sunshine." Dave said. Boosted ran up to me.
    "Gonna put money on it?" He asked.
     "Yeah, I'm gonna need the gas money after you ran off like a bitch. Five hundred." I said. He nodded and shook my hand. We got lined up and I was watching for the light. It banged an I took off and Boosted car instantly crossed the center line and almost hit me. I made it to the finish line and saw Sapphire and Azn jumping up and down. I drove back to my trailer and loaded the car up. Boosted handed me my money and walked off and Dave came over and hugged me.
     "Great job! You dragged that ass!" I giggled.
     "You gonna call out number eight tonight?" I asked.
     "Something messed up in the engine so Plan B can't race anymore tonight." Dave said. I nodded. Sapphire came over to us.
     "Whyd you leave Azn?" I asked.
     "Gotta congratulate you!" She said, giving me a hug. I laughed as she almost squeezed me to death. "Wanna hang out tomorrow?" She asked.
     "Yeah." I said. I gave Dave a weird look.
     "What?" He asked.
     "You ain't gonna beg me to hang with you like usual? Or to come along?" I asked.
     "I got to help Justin with somethin tomorrow." He said, he looked to the left. That's his tic for when he lies.
     "You looked to the left, dave." I said.
     "I just gotta talk to him about somethin." He said.
     "About what?" I asked.
     "The Crow." He said. I squinted my eyes because I couldn't tell if he looked to the left that time or not.
     "Okay." I said. Dave gave me a hug.
     "I love you." He said.
     "I love you too, Dave." I said.

SURPRISE! I got an update in today! Whoooooo! I'm so excited about the next chapter! Hope y'all enjoyed this one! I love y'all!!😘😘

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