The Wedding

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"Wake up! It's the day! Let's goooooo!" sapphire yelled. I sat up confused.
"Huh?" I asked. Goliath was barking and going crazy.
"THE WEDDING!" Sapphire boomed. "You slept in! Come on! We gotta go!" I hurried up and got in the truck and we sped off to Claire's house. That's where the wedding would be.
"Why didn't you wake me up earlier!" I yelled.
"I tried! You're a heavy sleeper." Sapphire said. We made it to Claire's house and our friends were already there. We snuck into the house and to Claire's bedroom. Claire hugged me.
"You excited?" She asked.
"Yes ma'am." I said with a big smile.
"I talked to Dave earlier, he was really nervous." Claire said. I giggled.
"I don't think I've ever seen him nervous." I said.
"You picked a good one, Dani." Claire replied. I smiled at myself. They pulled out the dress and helped me put it on. Claire teared up and put her hand to her mouth.
"What's wrong, momma?" Sapphire asked. I looked at her worried. She looked up to me and smiled.
"You look beautiful." She said. I hugged her.
"Thank you." Sapphire sat me down and did my hair. All she had to do was curl it, we weren't doing anything fancy.
"Okay, I know you hate this, but it's not gonna be a lot. Just foundation and eye stuff and lip stuff." Sapphire said. I groaned but let her proceed. When she was done we waiting for my cue. I walked and met Justin who had red eyes. We linked arms and began to walk down the checkered aisle.
"Please don't cry." I whispered to my big brother. He just smiled at me. I looked up to see Dave smiling and trying to hold back the tears. There was an arch made out of vines that we were gonna stand under. The preacher was the man who baptized me when I was eleven years old. I met Dave and we held hands and smiled at each other. I wasn't really paying attention to what the guy was saying because I was so nervous! I just talked when I knew to talk, which wasn't easy because my voice kept cracking. Dave let a few tears  slip.
     "You may now kiss the bride." Dave took a deep breath and smiled at me. He leaned down and I still had to get on my tippy toes. Our lips met and everyone began to cheer. The preacher called us husband and wife and it had a pretty darn good ring to it.
     "We did it!" Dave said to me. I giggled.

Awwww. In all honesty I have know clue what the preacher guy says and I was too lazy to look it up😂gotta love me, right? Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Love yall😘

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