High School

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A/N: this is a chapter on Dani and Sapphire's high school years! This is also when Kye and Dani were together since Dani didn't street race until she graduated.

Sapphire met me at my locker before History started.
     "You seen Kye today?" She asked.
     "Nope." I answered, putting my English binder inside my locker.
     "Good. Ya know, I don't know what you see in that guy." She said, I laughed.
     "I know." I said. Sapphire and I made it to class, taking our usual seats next to each other. I felt my hair being played with and I turned around to see Kye.
     "Thought you were skippin school." I said. He smiled.
     "I couldn't miss seeing my girl today." He said.
     "Stab me with a butter knife, please, someone. Right in the eye." Sapphire said. Coach Garrett walked into the class.
     "Ah, my terrible trio." He said, smiling at Kye, Sapphire, and me.
     "That's us." Sapphire said, standing up and pointing at us.
     "Book work today!" We all groaned. We knew what page and we turned to it. Kye, Sapphire, and I always did our book work at home where we could use google. We just pretend to do it in class.
     "Hey," Kye said, tapping my elbow. "Dani." I turned around to face him. Sapphire was looking over my shoulder. "Wanna go to a party tonight with me and the boys?" Kye asked.
     "I wish I could, but, Sapphire and I are hanging out tonight." I said. I felt Sapphire smirking.
     "Y'all can do that some other day. Come on, Dani, please?" He begged.
     "I'm not canceling on my girl." I said.
     "Kye, just drop it." Sapphire said.
     "Whatever." Kye huffed, crossing his arms and leaning back.
     "Oh, don't be a titty baby." I said.
     "You're always with Sapphire. I don't see why you can't be with me for one night." Kye said.
     "That's a lie!" I snapped. "That's the reason I'm hanging with her tonight because I'm always with you." I said. I could see the anger in his eyes so I just turned back around. Kye grabbed my hair and slowly pulled me back and whispered in my ear.
      "We can talk about this after school."
     "Let go. Now." I growled. The bell rang and we all separated to go to our lockers.
     "Hey, Dani!" Kirsten Harris said. She was the school whore who hated me. Now, I wasn't much of a fighter. I argued a lot, talk a lot of crap, but didn't like to fight. I ignored her and when I close my locker she shoved me into it, my nose connecting with the metal. "I said hey." She snapped.
     "Oh, I heard you." I said, turning to face the brunette.
      "You best learn some respect, I don't wanna have to teach it to you." She said, grabbing my shirt and slamming me into the locker.
      "You best earn my respect." I said. She was about to hit me when Sapphire grabbed her and swung her off of me and into the floor.
      "Keep your nasty hand to yourself." She spit. Kirsten got up and walked off. I fist bumped Sapphire.
     "Thanks." I said.
     "You know I always got your back." She smiled.

Dani didn't have short temper back in those high school years😂what'd y'all think? Should I throw in some of their younger days every now and then? Love yall😘

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