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Sapphire and Chuck dragged me into my room and sat me on my bed.
     "Now let's see what you got in here." Sapphire said, opening my closet. She pulled out a long, jean button up shirt.
      "It still has the tag on it." Chuck said. "I remember buying that thing like two years ago." He said. Sapphire laughed.
     "Why haven't you wore it?" Sapphire asked.
      "Because two years ago I didn't have anybody to impress with that." I said. Sapphire took the tag off and threw it on my bed. "Leggings will go good with that." She said. She went to my drawers and found a pair of black leggings.
     "Why can't I wear jeans and boots?" I whined. Sapphire pulled out a pair of Toms and smirked.
       "Here." She said, tossing them to me.
     "I only need one." I said. They walked out of the room and I put on the clothes they picked out. I crutched into the living room to show them. Sapphire hugged me. Goliath barked and licked my face.
     "You look beautiful! Good thing you straightened your hair yesterday or I would've done it today." She said. "Wait!" She said. She ran in a room and brought out her makeup. She put some mascara on me and foundation. I never wear makeup. I looked at Chuck and spun around.
     "Gorgeous! Dave is gonna love it." He said. I heard a knock on the door.
     "He usually honks." I giggled. Sapphire and Chuck ran to hide. "I don't know why the hell you think y'all are hiding. Your truck is out there, chuck!" I called. I opened to door to see Dave. His hair was wet so I'm guessing he took a shower. He had a nice, black shirt on with jeans and boots.
     "You clean up nice." I said. He blinked and opened his mouth to say something and then closed it and shook his head while looking me up and down. I giggled.
      "I-I, wow, Dani. You look," he stuttered. "Wow." He finished. He put his arm around me and we walked to his truck. He opened the passenger side door and let me in and shut it. He got in the drivers seat and backed out of the driveway.
     "Where are we going?" I asked.
     "Not telling." He answered.
     "You're gonna drag me to an alley, ain't ya?" I giggled.
     "Sapphire and Chuck picked out a nice outfit for ya." He said, looking at me and laughing.
     "What makes you think they picked my outfit out?" I asked.
     "Because you would've wore jeans, boots, and t-shirt and no makeup." He said.
      "It would've been a nice t-shirt." I said.
     "Yo could've came in rags and you'd still look beautiful to me, Dani. I don't care what you wear." He said, grabbing my hand.
     "Thank ya." I said. The sun was setting when we pulled up to a pond. The same pond I always went to to fish, to sit, to think. I looked at Dave. "How'd you know?" I asked.
     "A little birdy told me." He said.
     "Sapphire." I said. He chuckled and we got out. We found a bench and sat down, watching the ducks.
     "I remember when you first raced for the list." He said, with his arm around me.
     "I raced kamikaze." I said, remembering the day.
     "I'm calling you out for number ten!" I said to kamikaze. Sapphire was by my side smiling from ear to ear.
     "This el co is gonna make you earn it." He replied.
     "And my car is gonna break your heart."
     "I thought you were the most beautiful girl I laid my eyes on." He said.
     "And so it took you two years to do something?" I joked.
      "I didn't know how to talk to a girl like you, I was shy." He said.
     "Daddy Dave? Shy? Ha! That's funny." I said. He laughed.
     "It's true, but now I say that same thing to myself. 'Dave, why were you so shy, she's goofy like you.'" He said, I laughed and leaned into him.
     "This is beautiful. Thank you for bringing me here." I said. Dave kissed the top of my head.
     "Do you remember the crash?" Dave finally asked. I nodded my head.
     "I do." I replied. "I was scared. I didn't know what happened to sapphire. I was scared when my eyes started to close. I thought I was dying. I remember talking to myself." I said.
     "What were you saying?" Dave asked.
     "I was crying and saying 'I'm not tired, I don't want to sleep. I'm scared, what if I don't want up?' And all I could think about was my family. Chuck, you, Sapphire, Justin." I said, remembering the terror.
     "I remember getting the call from justin. He was crying and I couldn't understand him and when I did. I didn't know what to do, I thought I lost you." Dave said.
     "And then I forgot who you were." I giggled. Dave smiled.
      "Yes you did." He said.
     "I love you." I said, kissing Dave's cheek.
     "I love you, too." He said. "And don't forget that."

Woooo they went on a date! Hope y'all liked it! Next chapter is gonna be a little flashback to Dani and Sapphire's high school year! Love y'all!😘

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