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I ended up staying the night with Sapphire.
      "Wake up sleepyhead." Sapphire said, hitting me with a pillow.
     "I'm awake." I said.
     "Wanna go surprise Dave at his shop and see if he needs any help with the corvette?" Sapphire asked. I nodded and got dressed. We got in her truck and rolled down the windows, blaring music and singing. We pulled up to the shop and when I walked in I almost lost it.
     "Hey, baby girl!" Dave said. Lizzy was working on the corvette with Chuck.
     "What the hell is she doing here?" Sapphire asked.
     "Oh, she just came over to help." Dave answered. I was too mad to talk. Lizzy stood up, wiping her hands and smiling.
     "I hope it's not a problem, Dani." She said, acting innocent.
     "It is." I said.
     "Dani, now just calm down, I didn't even invite her." Dave said.
     "You didn't ask her to leave either, Dave." I said, looking up at him. He looked kinda sad at this point.
     "You need to leave, Lizzy." Dave said.
      "Aww, I thought we were having fun?" Lizzy said. I put my hand on my hip and looked at Dave, but more angrier.
     "All she was doing was helping with the car, nothing else!" Dave snapped. Sapphire grabbed Lizzy and shoved her out the door.
      "Dani." Dave said as I was walking out. "Dani! Just talk to me...please?" Dave begged.
      "There's nothin to talk about, you knew damn well I don't like her and look what happened." I turned facing him with my arms out before turning back around and walking. Sapphire followed silently. I slammed the door shut and sat in silence. Sapphire got in and quietly shut her door.
     "You should talk to him. After you take some anger out first, though. I know how you can be when you're angry." Sapphire said.
     "I don't want to talk to him right now." I said.
     "I know. That's why I said after you take some anger out." Sapphire said. "You and I both know he wasn't filling around with Lizzy. She's just trying to get in your head."
     "And if she keeps it up she'll get a hammer in hers."

Don't even know what to say now😂 I hope you liked it! I love yalllllllllllll! Ohhhhh!! And we got a new member to our little family!!! Welcome Michaelsgirlfriend98 ! You're stuck with us now girl😘

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